9 Results

Species No Bar for Langurs
Primatologists are finding increased evidence of mixed species associations and hybridisation between Nilgiri and Hanuman langurs in the Western Ghats
Wild Vault

Food First: A Hand for a Handout
Juvenile bonnet macaques in the Bandipur National Park, Karnataka, have developed an almost human way of communicating their request for food

Island Shenanigans: Nicobar Long-tailed Macaques in a Tropical World by the Sea
Straight from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the life of a unique nonhuman primate species that is adaptable, intelligent, and highly social

Grey Slender Loris: The Endearing Secret Creature of the Night Forest
As the sun sets, and the forest sleeps, a stealthy creature emerges from the shadows – meet the grey slender loris, the nocturnal primate of south India’s rainforests

Stump-tailed Macaques: The Forest Walkers of Hollongapar
The stump-tailed macaques spend most of their day walking across the dense rainforest floors of Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary. They only return to trees to search for food, or sleep. But foraging the forest floor makes them vulnerable to leopards and other predators. To save themselves, they hurriedly, stuff food in their expandable cheek pouches. If danger approaches, they quickly escape with the loot.

Bridging the Canopy Gap
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Ladies Special: The Matrilineal World of Stump-Tailed Macaques
Things are remarkably different in this primate troop without an alpha male heading it
Photo Story

Cornered but not Defeated
Sustained conservation efforts and community engagement is critical to save the lion-tailed macaque and its disappearing habitat

Shy and Mighty: Gorillas of the Congo
Bushwhacking through the tropical forests of Central Africa to meet our close primate relatives—the mountain gorilla and eastern lowland gorilla
Photo Story