Himachal Pradesh
13 Results

Himalayan Guardian Dogs: Unsung Sentinels of the Shepherds of the Himalayas
By protecting livestock from predators, Himalayan guardian dogs create a secure and safe environment for Gaddi shepherds as they graze their livestock in the summer. The shepherd-dog partnership shows how a traditional, non-lethal practice has facilitated safe cohabitation and coexistence of humans and wild creatures in this shared landscape
Wild Vault

Scarlet Finch: Dazzling Red Feathers
With males sporting such arresting red plumage, it’s no surprise that this small passerine bird is on the bucket list of many birdwatchers in north and Northeast India

Delicate Balance: Agro-pastoral Life in the Spiti Valley
In the fragile ecological landscape of the high Himalayas in Spiti, local communities have found sustainable ways of encouraging tourism and generating livelihoods that are respectful of the environment and local culture
Wild Vault

Instagram Leads to Discovery of a New Himalayan Snake Species
Herpetologist intrigued by a photo uploaded to the social media site investigated further to find a species new to science

Grandala: Facts, Appearance, Diet
All you need to know about the royal-blue, gregarious bird

Western Tragopan: Quest for the Colourful Pheasant
Snippets of a year-long journey to film one of the most attractive and vulnerable pheasants in the world, in the Great Himalayan National Park
Photo Story

Behind the Lens: An Elusive Bear and Lessons in Wildlife Photography
Dhritiman Mukherjee talks about his 15-year-long quest to photograph the Himalayan brown bear, and how not getting the perfect picture taught him valuable lessons

In Search of a Panacea: Herb Collection in the Himalayas
Himalayan medicinal plants and herbs play an important role in the ecosystem, and in the lives of the humans and animals that live in the region
Wild Vault

The Bear and I: A Quest to Photograph the Himalayan Brown Bear
Patience, perseverance, and expanding knowledge, from 15 years of tracking the Himalayan Brown Bear through the Wilds of Ladakh and Himachal
Photo Story

How Village Folklore Helps Conserve the Ibex of Pin Valley
In the remote villages of Spiti Valley, people and nature are bound together by instinct and tradition

Gone Too Soon: A Tale of the Central Himalayan Langurs of Uttarakhand
Is there a way out of the human-langur conflict in the Garhwal Himalayas?

Dogs on the Rooftop: Faithful Friends or Fierce Predators?
A dramatic increase in the number of livestock and wildlife being attacked by free-ranging dogs is having an adverse effect on the fragile landscape of the cold desert of Spiti

In the Pink: Health and Herding in the Himalayas
Fostering human-wildlife coexistence in the high mountains. Can disease-free pastoral herds translate to healthy wildlife populations?