Sundarbans Tiger Reserve
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27 Results

Shrimp Farming Transforming Land Use in Sundarbans
The Sundarbans region of India has experienced a significant shift from traditional agriculture to shrimp aquaculture due to erratic weather and increasing global demand for shrimp

The Inner Workings of Resilience in the Sundarbans
A journey through the circuitous paths of the Indian Sundarbans reveals the struggles of communities on the frontline of climate change and human-wildlife conflict

A Crocodile in the Matla River
'Writings from the Sundarbans’ is a new anthology that translates literary narratives composed in Bangla, in English. Here’s an excerpt from the short story ‘A Crocodile’

Safeguarding Mangrove Plantations in the Sundarbans
According to local residents and scientists, growing salt-tolerant grasses prior to planting propagules, having a layer of protection from the waves, and maintenance of fences are key to better survival rate of mangroves planted in erosion-prone areas

Wildlife Puzzle: Green Pit Viper
Put together this jigsaw to see a fascinating pit viper in the Sundarbans

Migrating Mangroves: Why Sundarbans’ Coast Guards Are Moving
Certain species of mangroves have started growing as far as over 180 kilometres away from the Sundarbans forest — some have even been spotted near Kolkata

Feared, Loved, Worshipped: The Enigma of the Sundarbans Tiger
The Sundarbans is the single largest habitat of the tiger in Asia and the only mangrove forest in the world to shelter it. Watch how it rules the tidal forests, and the lives of the 4.5 million people who share its habitat

Lost and Found: A Quest to Revive the Rare Batagur Baska
How a breeding programme in the Sundarbans is bringing the critically endangered batagur baska back from the brink of extinction

The Mud Pack: Love, Life, and Strife in the Sundarbans
The Sundarbans mudflats are rife with tiny evolutionary curiosities that come alive with the waning tide — watch a battle in the muck, and the fine seduction of a fiddler crab

Crawl, Burrow, Swim: Little Champions of the Sundarbans Ecosystem
The largest mangrove delta in the world may be more famous for its apex predators but its small creatures are also important for the ecosystem
Photo Story

Filming Sundarbans: Behind the Lens with Ashwika Kapur
How do you shoot a tidal forest that is impenetrable by foot, routinely faces deadly storms, and is ruled by a stealthy predator? Ashwika Kapur tells us why filming in the Sundarbans is both a dream, and a nightmare

Risk, Ritual, and Survival: The Honey Gatherers of the Sundarbans
Moulis, the local honey gatherers, wade through marsh and murky water to gather honey from the mangrove forests of the Sundarbans, but not before they have sought the blessings of the jungle deity
Photo Story

Saltwater Crocodile: Dragons of the Sundarbans Swamps
Basking in the sun, the saltwater crocodile is a study in stillness but once it enters the brackish waters of the Sundarbans, it is the top aquatic predator

The Guide: Sundarbans Tiger Reserve
The world’s largest mangrove forest is a serene landscape that syncs its moods with the changing tide twice every day. The tiger may be its biggest attraction, but the shifting tide is its real protagonist

Shadow in the Swamp: The Aberrant Tiger of Sundarbans
The Sundarbans tiger is unlike its counterpart on the mainland — it drinks saline water, is an expert long-distance swimmer, and hunts with as much finesse in tidal currents as it does on land

Mangroves: Forests, Coast Guards, Threats
Everything you need to know about these guardians of the coast

Amphan Aftermath: A Resilient Mangrove Forest Struggles to Survive
The deadly cyclone is a reminder that the Sundarbans is at great risk, and needs conservation efforts that go beyond political borders

Sundarbans: Nature’s Wall of Defence
The mangrove forest of the Sundarbans is an invaluable ecosystem — it shelters diverse creatures, provides livelihood to millions, and protects an entire civilisation from the deadliest cyclones. Watch the film in English and Bengali

A Forest of Folklore: Myths, Gods, and the Many Faces of the Tiger
How culture, traditions and gods of the Sundarbans are inseparable and intertwined with the forest and its most charismatic creature the swamp tiger
Wild Vault

The Sundarbans Inheritance: Protecting a People’s Legacy
One of India’s leading wildlife voices speaks of his love affair with the Sundarbans, in an excerpt from 'Wild Treasures' — a collection of stories from Asia’s most incredible natural UNESCO World Heritage sites

Roots of a Salt Forest: Mangroves as Coast Guards of the Sundarbans
An incredible, resilient network of roots supports one of the world’s largest mangrove forests and protects its islands from disastrous waves, tides, cyclones, and storms
Sultry Sundarbans: The Tide, the Forest, and the Tiger Goddess
The Sundarbans is a vast mesh of crisscrossing rivers and tributaries lined with mangrove forests. It harbours hundreds of species of flora and fauna, and an intriguing story at every bend

Guardians of the Sundari: Reviving the Mangroves in the Sundarbans
A group of women lead the way in efforts to bring the endangered Sundari tree back from the brink in their villages

Turning the Tide: The Batagur Baska and the Race Against Extinction
How a conservationist and his team in the Sundarbans brought the batagur, one of the most endangered turtle species in the world, back from the brink

In the Sundarbans, the Bengal Tiger is Always Watching You
Encounters with the tiger in the riverine, mangrove forests of the Sundarbans highlights its many roles — as flagship species, apex predator, photographer’s muse, fisherman’s nightmare, ghost, fictive kin, and god

Anil Mistry: The Ex-Poacher Who Rescues Tigers
How a poacher turned conservationist, and became one of the leading voices fighting for the survival of the maligned Sundarbans tiger

Tracking the Untraceable Sundarbans Tiger
The tiger of Sundarbans is unlike the tigers in rest of the country. In this excerpt from the book ‘Spell of the Tiger’, Sy Montgomery talks about why it is hard to track the mysterious, mythical ruler of the Sundarbans mangrove forest