20 Results

Land of Bears and Boulders: Sloth Bears of Daroji
The rolling boulders of Daroji, Karnataka, are home to Asia's oldest sloth bear sanctuary. The rocks and caves of the deccan plateau provide the perfect home for bears to hunt, relax, and raise their young.

The Wilds of Daroji
The millenia old landscape of Daroji in Karnataka is home to a stunning number of species. From adorable otters to ambling sloth bears, the banks of the Tungabhadra are teeming with biodiversity.

Two Baby Bears Up a Tree
What do a team of forest guards do when they find two bear cubs on a tree?

Human-Wildlife Clashes in a Changing Kashmir Valley
Rapid urbanisation and a changing forest landscape set wild animals and locals against each other in Kashmir. The latest victims of this conflict are children

Bridge to the Past: The Rocky Landscape of Daroji
The boulder-strewn landscape of Daroji has a long and volatile history. The rocky scrub jungles here harbour an incredible diversity of life, from small invertebrates to megafauna like sloth bears and leopards

The Blessed Bears of Daroji Sloth Bear Sanctuary
Near the famous rock temples of Hampi, the boulder-strewn landscape is a protected haven that helps preserve these magnificent animals

Sloth Bears: Ant Eaters of the Ursine World
Found in nearly every state in India, from the Western Ghats to the Himalayas, these solitary, silky-haired bears spend much of their time with their noses to the ground
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Poaching Threatens Asiatic Black Bear in Arunachal Pradesh
Bears outside protected areas in the state targeted to meet the demands of the transnational wildlife trade

Bare Truth: Why We Need to Save Our Sloth Bears
This nocturnal bear, with powerful claws, is one of the most feared animals of the Indian jungle and yet its survival is threatened

Baloo Noir: The Asiatic Black Bear Goes to Town
These shaggy bears inhabit the high mountains of the Himalayas and spend their days foraging, sleeping, and tending to young
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Mount Abu’s Sloth Bears Tread on Thin Line
An eco-sensitive zone around the sanctuary with some stretches only 100 metres wide is inadequate, say wildlife experts

Asiatic Black Bear: Facts, Weight, Habitat and Population
All you need to know about the solitary, nocturnal moon bear

Sloth Bear: Size, Habitat, and Use as Dancing Bears
All you need to know about this termite-loving resident of the Indian subcontinent

Two Sloth Bears and their Human Family
Spending a day with a kalander family leads the author to re-examine her understanding of animal cruelty

Behind the Lens: An Elusive Bear and Lessons in Wildlife Photography
Dhritiman Mukherjee talks about his 15-year-long quest to photograph the Himalayan brown bear, and how not getting the perfect picture taught him valuable lessons

Raiders of the Anthill: Sloth Bears of Kumbhalgarh
A sweet tooth and a penchant for ants and termites occasionally take the sloth bear beyond the boundaries of Rajasthan’s wildlife sanctuaries

The Bear and I: A Quest to Photograph the Himalayan Brown Bear
Patience, perseverance, and expanding knowledge, from 15 years of tracking the Himalayan Brown Bear through the Wilds of Ladakh and Himachal
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The Himalayan Brown Bear’s Life in Snow
It has been a cold and harsh winter in the snow-clad mountains. As the snow melts, a very rare animal wakes up from its long slumber. Meet, one of the most elusive animals of the snow mountains — the Himalayan brown bear

Himalayan Brown Bear: Facts, Weight, and Population
Everything you need to know about the grizzly bear from the snow mountains

Rocky Road: Change is in the Air for the Himalayan Brown Bear
Modifications in its denning pattern suggest that the dren-mo, the rarest of bears in India, is feeling the impact of environmental degradation