intertidal zone
5 Results

Jewels from the Intertidal
Like the intertidal zone it describes – a space that is both land and sea – Yuvan Aves’s genre-bending book is both observation and contemplation, meditation and a call to action. It is a testament to the rewards of prolonged observation and nurturing a relationship with the natural world.

Hermit Crabs: Mobile Home in a Snail Shell
To stay safe, these asymmetrical crabs spend their lives looking for a shell that is roomy enough to house their entire body. Finding such a home is a complex process and involves both negotiation and competition

Twilight Zone: A Tale Between Two Tides
When the tide heads out, the shallow watery plains come alive with many surprises from fuzzy little hairy crabs to the nervous blennies, and algal patches host various creatures from gastropods to a league of hunters like octopuses and eels
Wild Vault

A Date with Mumbai’s Marine Wildlife
Mumbai’s Juhu Beach suddenly comes alive with crabs, anemones, shrimp, snails and other marine biodiversity that lives on city’s coastline
Urban Jungle

Wild Shores: Life in a Tide Pool
When the tide goes out, take a walk along the shore and discover a fascinating range of marine animals and plants