17 Results

Standing Tall: African Baobabs in Mumbai
Scattered across Mumbai city, these African giants have been on the Indian subcontinent for centuries. How did they get here, and what’s so special about them?
Wild Vault

Greater Flamingo: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about the most widespread species of flamingos

Gutsy Gulls: Trick or Treating on the Water
Seagulls employ various strategies to secure a meal. From intelligent fishing to scavenging and outright theft, their schemes succeed at times and fail comically at other points
Photo Story

Bantam Force: Ambushed by the Termite Parade
Termites are tiny but they are super builders and play an integral role as decomposers and ecosystem engineers of the natural world. In human habited landscapes, however, they are known as the silent destroyers
Urban Jungle

How the Coastal Road Threatens Mumbai’s Secret Marine World
Over the last four years, Sarang Naik has documented the marine diversity along Mumbai's coast. However, it is now being threatened by the construction of the Coastal Road

Hiding in Plain Sight: Mumbai’s Tide Pools and the City Beyond the Shore
This urban seashore throws up a world of surreal organisms and is sure to change the way you look at India’s commercial capital
Photo Story

Accidental Tourist: The Vagrant Long-Billed Dowitcher
Thousands of kilometres from its natural habitat, a lone, unexpected guest becomes a temporary celebrity for the birdwatching community of Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary

Urban Ecosystems: Snakes and the City
Unbeknown to most of us, snakes are often permanent residents of urban environments. We have to find the happy balance of human-snake coexistence
Urban Jungle

Aarey: The Wild Heart of Mumbai
Few cities in the world have large swathes of jungles within their borders, even fewer have leopards living within. Unfortunately, the green cover of India’s maximum city is under grave threat
Urban Jungle

The Flamboyance of Maximum City at Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary
A short hop from Mumbai this sanctuary is a mix of grassland, scrub, woodland, and mangroves with a wide variety of resident and migratory birds

A Date with Mumbai’s Marine Wildlife
Mumbai’s Juhu Beach suddenly comes alive with crabs, anemones, shrimp, snails and other marine biodiversity that lives on city’s coastline
Urban Jungle

Breaking News! A Brown Cloud Descends on Mumbai
A Cloud Called Bhura by Bijal Vachharajani is a rib-tickling, teen mystery on climate change set in Mumbai. Here’s an sneak peek

Kharghar’s Hills are Alive with the Sound of Birdsong
Remarkably beautiful throughout the year, these biodiverse hills in Navi Mumbai are the ideal escape for the curious, urban nature lover
Urban Jungle

Mumbai’s Mangroves: Forests of Breathing Roots
Not all shores are the same; Mumbai’s mangroves are the city’s green guards and they host an entire civilisation in their midst
Urban Jungle

Monsoon Miracles in Navi Mumbai’s Green Valley Park
Secret streams and colourful insects — the arrival of rain heralds the transformation of the Parsik Hills, close to the bustling business area of CBD Belapur
Urban Jungle

Prakash Bhoir is Fighting for the Forest
An activist’s struggle to save Aarey’s forest and the way of life of its Adivasi population

When Flamingos Frolic and Feed in the Talawe Wetlands
Hundreds of migrating flamingos and other wildlife can be seen just a stone’s throw away from a bustling Navi Mumbai residential complex
Urban Jungle