40 Results

When Golden Jackals Swim Across the Karli River
In southern Maharashtra, jackals swim from the mangrove-lined riverine Hopkins Island where they live, across the Karli River, to the mainland and back
Wild Vault

Wolves Give the Silent Treatment
In landscapes heavily altered by human activity in Maharashtra, a study suggests that the Indian wolf may be adapting by suppressing its iconic howl

Bengal Fox: Resilient Canid of Indian Grasslands
Although confined to small, fragmented savanna patches, foxes persist in some grasslands in Gujarat’s Surendranagar district

Bengal Fox: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about India's smallest wild canid

Bengal Fox: Vanishing Jewel of the Grassland
Threatened by habitat loss and diseases from domestic dogs, the Bengal fox is fighting a losing battle for survival
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Tibetan Sand Fox: High-Altitude Hunter
Only discovered in India in 2005, these small, furry foxes are found in the high Himalayas, where they are well-adapted, live in dens, and mainly hunt pikas
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Will Dholes be the New #InstagramInfluencers?
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Golden Jackal: Resourceful Canids in Tezu Botanical Garden
Occupying a wide range of habitats in India, these wild omnivores are good hunters, but also live near large human settlements where they scavenge at dumpsites
Wild Vault

Dynamic Dholes: The Power of the Pack
Despite their small size, Asiatic wild dogs reign as apex predators of some forested habitats in India. Their secret is their adaptation to group living and hunting. But with so many threats looming over this wild canid, how long can it survive?
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Tibetan Wolves: Long-ranging Drifters of the Changthang
Tibetan wolves are one of the top predators of the high Himalayas in Ladakh. Unfortunately, they have long been persecuted and considered a bad omen
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Counting Wolves Through Their Calls
Identifying individual wolves by their howls is being studied as a potential technique for counting wolf population

Indian Grey Wolf: Mystique and Misfortune on the Grasslands
Humans have a complex relationship with this apex predator of many Indian grassland habitats, and it ranges from reverence to fear to loathing
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Tibetan Sand Fox: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this specialised carnivore

Jack of all Tastes: The Versatile Golden Jackal
Adaptability is the key to this resilient wild canid. It adjusts quickly to changes, and survives in forests, mangroves and even airports
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Dhole: Diet, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this communal pack hunter

Going to the Dogs? Turning the Page for India’s Endangered Dhole
As efficient carnivores built to thrive at the top of the food chain, the Asiatic wild dog is a pack hunter that can bring down prey many times its size. Unfortunately, it also has a long history of targeted persecution in India

Wildlife Puzzle: Red Fox
Put together this jigsaw to see the Himalayan red fox in Spiti Valley

Disappearing Predators: Wolves of the Deccan
Indian grey wolves have a long history of living in human-dominated landscapes, but their survival is now challenged by the rapid, unsustainable change taking place in these traditional habitats

A Reign at Risk: The Indian Grey Wolf and the Grasslands of Saswad
The Indian grey wolf is the apex predator of Saswad's grasslands, but defending its territory is not easy. It must chase away hyenas and aggressive packs of dogs. And now, a new challenger has shown up. Can the grey ghost of the grasslands retain its dominance?

Indian Grey Wolf: Ghosts of The Grasslands
These elusive wild predators are not found in jungles, but in scrubland and grasslands adjacent to human habitation

Golden Jackals Find Shelter at Airports
Grasslands in and around airports in Kolkata and Guwahati offer refuge to these canids

India’s Only Wolf Sanctuary Threatened by Mining
The quest for bauxite along the bordering areas of Chhattisgarh-Jharkhand endangers the wolves of Mahuadanr

Red Fox: Facts, Habitat, Diet, and Sub-species
All you need to know about the most widely spread carnivore on the planet

Golden Jackal: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this widely-distributed canid

Golden Jackal: Wandering Howler of Indian Jungles and Backyards
The golden jackal, found in almost every habitat in the country, has inspired folk stories and songs, but also a few questionable practices that have led to poaching of the wild canid

Indian Wolf: Facts, Size, Weight, Habitat
All you need to know about this social inhabitant of semi-arid and arid areas

Mum’s the Word with the Desert Fox in the Little Rann
Elusive white-footed vixens rear their pups in hidden burrows of the Little Rann of Kutch
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Indian Desert Fox: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this clever canid

The Fox Trot: The Bushy-tailed Red Fox Goes on a Hunt
Its winter and Ladakh is covered in a blanket of snow, with no signs of life around. But wait, what’s that? Something moves beneath the ground. Will the hungry fox catch its lunch?

Red Fox in the Snow: Competition and Survival in the Himalayas
The Spiti Valley is a test of endurance for the most widely spread carnivore species on the planet
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The Wolves of Velavadar and a Pack of Memories
A visit to the golden grasslands of Gujarat’s Blackbuck National Park in Velavadar results in unusual sightings of wolves and a rush of childhood memories

Learning the Fox Trot: In Pursuit of the Bushy-Tailed Red Fox in Spiti Valley
Why the common red fox, may end up not so common after all

The Wilds of Saswad: The Vibrant Grassland Near Pune
“Wasteland” is such a gross misnomer for the thriving but fragile grassland habitats of India. Saswad is one such unprotected landscape where abundant bird and animal life flourishes

Foxy Tales: Look Before You Leap
In the Kutch district of Gujarat, the clever desert fox survives a harsh habitat and outsmarts those who pursue it

Can the Quick Red Fox Jump Over the Ladakhi Dog?
In the Changthang Plateau of Ladakh, conflict between red foxes and packs of free-ranging dogs intensifies

Himalayan Wolf: Facts, Size, and Habitat
The stealthy predator of the Himalayan mountains

The Indian Grey Wolf is in Need of Greater Protection
A recent study found that most habitats suited to the Indian grey wolf lie outside protected sanctuaries and national parks, putting its survival at great risk

Himalayan Wolf: The Howler of Hanle
Searching for the elusive Tibetan wolf, in the Changthang Plateau of Ladakh

Woolly Wolf: An Ancient Lineage in the Himalayas
Himalayan wolves are versatile beings that are well adapted to the cold high-altitude desert. These wild canines share an environment with snow leopards and are known to roam great distances

Furry and Feisty the Desert Fox Endures
The petite white-footed fox is a true survivor in the harsh conditions of the desert