Dragonflies and Damselflies
14 Results

Dashing Damselflies: Aerialists in an Arthropod Circus
In the fascinating world of damselflies, discover elaborate courtship displays, accessory genitalia, cannibalism, and even a unique lock-and-key mechanism that prevents cross-mating among related species

Blue-necked Reedtail: Facts, Habitat, Lifecycle
All you need to know about this rare damselfly

Ruby-tailed Hawklet: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this dragonfly from Western Ghats

Coming of Age Underwater: The Life Cycle of Dragonflies and Damselflies
These breathtaking beauties spend much of their lives underwater. When they become adults, they take wing, with their agile bodies and lightning-fast reflexes set to dominate the insect world
Photo Story

Common Picturewing: Facts, Diet, Lifecycle
All you need to know about this black and yellow skimmer

Common Picturewing: The Flying Floral Carpet
Can this lovely black-and-yellow skimmer become a mascot for the conservation of insects and our planet?

Dragonfly: The Fastest Flying Insect
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Globe Skimmer or Wandering Glider: Facts, Migration, Diet
All you need to know about the wandering glider or globe skimmer dragonfly, one of the highest flying insects in the world

Wandering Glider: World Traveller and Weather Vane
Globe skimmers or wandering gliders migrate vast distances across oceans and continents, riding the extremities of weather systems as they hitch from one place to another

Undertaking the World’s Longest Insect Migration
Scientists are beginning to unravel the details of the migratory circuit of the globe skimmer dragonfly
Wild Vault

Globe Skimmer: The Dragonfly that Flies from India to Africa
It’s that time of the year when swarms of dragonflies known as globe skimmers undertake an intercontinental journey from India to Africa. Odonate researcher Vivek Chandran decodes the mystery

Blue-necked Reedtail: The Mysterious Damselfly
In a forest in Kerala, a surprise encounter with a rare odonate that is an indicator of healthy, primary forests and guardian of freshwater

Ruby-tailed Hawklet: Black Dragon in Red Shorts
Endemic to the marshes and pools of the Western Ghats, this pretty dragonfly is also a good indicator of ecosystem health

Gossamer Wings: Damselflies and Dragonflies of the Western Ghats
Odonates are older than the mountains, and among the first creatures on Earth to fly. Their presence indicates a healthy and harmonious ecosystem
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