Scientific Name
Prionailurus viverrinus
IUCN Status
Vulnerable (VU)
about 12 years
5-14 kg
Habitat Type
Mangroves, Other Wetlands, Swamps and Marshes
Wetland habitat loss, depletion of main prey fish, poached for skin and meat, persecution/retaliatory killing, pollution
Did You Know
Fishing cats swim long distances, underwater, and dive to catch prey; their front paws are partially webbed as an adaptation for swimming
Also Known As
Bavurapilli in Telegu, baghrol or macchbagha in Bengali, meseka in Assamese, bunbiral and khupya bagh in Hindi
IUCN Status
Vulnerable (VU)
about 12 years
5-14 kg
Habitat Type
Mangroves, Other Wetlands, Swamps and Marshes
Wetland habitat loss, depletion of main prey fish, poached for skin and meat, persecution/retaliatory killing, pollution
Did You Know
Fishing cats swim long distances, underwater, and dive to catch prey; their front paws are partially webbed as an adaptation for swimming
Also Known As
Bavurapilli in Telegu, baghrol or macchbagha in Bengali, meseka in Assamese, bunbiral and khupya bagh in Hindi
Through videos, stories, infographics and more, here's a deep dive into the world and life of the fishing cat