110 Results

Fishing Cat Population Booming in Chilika
A recent survey of fishing cats in Chilika reveals an increased population density of the small wild cat

Chilika Lake Swipes Right for the Fishing Cat
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Neighbours and Friends: A Family and Other Animals
Leopards, small wild cats, and numerous other wildlife peacefully coexist with humans in the rural hamlet of Jawai in western Rajasthan
Photo Story

My Old Friend, the Pipal Pani Tiger
An account of how hunter-naturalist Jim Corbett killed a tiger under the misapprehension that it could become a man-eater

Marbled Cat: Facts, Adaptations, Habitat
All you need to know about this rare, elusive cat

Marbled Cat: Master of Stealth in the Treetops
The forests of Northeastern India harbour the perfect habitat for an elusive small cat species that lives partly in the canopy

Modern Family: Observing a Rusty-Spotted Cat Clan in Rajasthan
Seemingly unafraid of humans, the smallest wildcat species in the world has adapted to live alongside us in the fields and plantations of the Indian subcontinent

Asiatic Lion: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about these large social cats

Behavioural Shift: Tigers Attack Bike Riders Along Corbett
In a period of nine months, five such attacks on bikers were recorded around Corbett Tiger Reserve. Four people were killed, and one was seriously injured

Rusty-spotted Cat: Facts, Size, Habitat
All you need to know about the smallest wild cat species

In Search of the Elusive Indian Desert Cat
The desert cat, which appears like a small domestic cat, is a wild feline that stands out for its ability to thrive in one of the most challenging habitats in India — the Thar Desert

Tigers, Leopards Venture Into Snow Leopard Territory in the Himalayas
A warming climate threatens to push Nepal’s three big cat species — tigers, leopards and snow leopards — into closer proximity to each other, with unknown consequences for the survival of each

Evidence of Manul’s Presence Found on Mount Everest
Cold-adapted wild cat’s existence confirmed on the slopes of the world’s highest mountain, thanks to scat samples retrieved from there in 2019

The Story of the Translocated African Lions of Kuno
Few know that in 1906, long before the cheetah went extinct in India, another big cat translocation took place in the Central Indian forests of Gwalior state
Wild Vault

Finding a Tranquilised Wild Tiger
Wildlife biologist K Ullas Karanth shares an adventurous real-life story from the emerald jungle of Nagarahole

Apprehension Raised Over Translocation of Tigers in Maharashtra
Conservationists concerned that the Navegaon-Nagzira Tiger Reserve does not have favourable conditions for tigers from Chandrapur

Pallas's Cats: Raising Kittens in Ladakh's Changing Landscape
For years, the high-altitude village of Hanle has been the Pallas's cat's safe abode, but new developments are rapidly altering the habitat. Can these two mother cats keep their kittens safe?

Pallas’s Cat: Silent Predator of the Trans-Himalayas
The cold and windy marshes of Hanle in Ladakh, with an abundance of pika and voles, is an ideal home for the Pallas’s cat. However, increasing construction activity in the area threatens this rich ecosystem

Human-Wildlife Clashes in a Changing Kashmir Valley
Rapid urbanisation and a changing forest landscape set wild animals and locals against each other in Kashmir. The latest victims of this conflict are children

The Fishing or Phishing Cat?
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

All that Fluff: Elusive Pallas’s Cats and Their Kittens
The Pallas’s cat is a magnificent yet rarely-seen high-altitude feline. To his delight, a wildlife photographer is able to spot this elusive creature near Hanle in Ladakh
Photo Story

A Leopard Demands Some Respect From a Barking Deer
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Hide and Seek: On the Scent of a Leopard in Tiger Country
When spots, not stripes, steal the show on a safari through Bandipur Tiger Reserve
Wild Vault

I Spy With My Little Eye
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Caracal: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this elusive wild cat with long ear tufts

Caracal in Crisis: From a Life among Royals, to Fighting for Survival
Till 2001, the caracal was seen in 13 Indian states but now it is reported in only three states in India with two viable populations in Rajasthan and Gujarat

Beyond Borders: Tiger Movement Between India and Nepal Increasingly Restricted
Big cats don’t recognise political boundaries, and have always roamed across borders. Yet, this behaviour is under threat as key corridors are restricted by infrastructure projects

Desert Cat: Raising a Family Under a Thorny Bush
In a sacred grove in Rajasthan, an Indian desert cat has given birth to three mischievous kittens under a thorny bush where they play, fight and goof around. But one afternoon, they go missing, sending the grove’s local guardian on a desperate quest to find them

Jungle Cat: Facts, Habitat, Diet
All you need to know about this solitary hunter

Jungle Cat: From a Neighbourhood Ally to a Misunderstood Thief
In southern Bengal, the destruction of wetlands has severely depleted the jungle cat’s habitat, pushing it closer to villages in search of food!

Lessons from the Super Tiger Mom, Collarwali
The celebrity tigress who passed away last year fiercely protected her cubs and taught us why we must fight to safeguard tiger habitats and denning sites

Under the Euphorbia: The Secret Lives of Asiatic Wildcats
A breeding family of Asiatic wildcats make their den below the branches of a thorny Euphorbia bush in a community-conserved sacred grove near Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
Photo Story

Indian Desert Cat: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this solitary wildcat

Three Lions Take on a Lone Turtle. Will it Survive?
Every visit to Gir Wildlife Sanctuary throws up surprises. This time it was a chance sighting of three subadult Asiatic Lions, trying to feast on a seemingly helpless but extremely hardy Indian Flapshell Turtle
Wild Vault

A Tribute to Collarwalli
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

A Common Rarity: The Elusive Jungle Cat
Small, fierce, and stealthy as a shadow, jungle cats are the wild cousins of domestic felines
Photo Story

Quiz: Small Carnivores
Small carnivores play an important role in the regulation of ecosystems. Take this quiz and find out how many of these little-known predators you know!

The Black Tiger of Similipal Could Use a Pep Talk
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Pallas's Cat: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this elusive and small wildcat

Wildlife Puzzle: Snow Leopard
Put together this jigsaw to see the ghost cat of the high mountains

Securing the Fishing Cat's Future in the Chilika Lagoon
Appointing the fishing cat as the ambassador of Chilika has drawn critical attention to this important wetland ecosystem that plays a major role in the survival of this wild feline

Return of the King: How Panna National Park Got its Tigers Back
What does it take to bring back tigers to a forest that was once a hostile place for them? Experts talk about how the disappearance of tigers from Panna National Park gave birth to one of India’s most successful conservation stories

India Has Lost 75-90 per cent of its Leopard Population
A recent study has claimed that India’s leopards are in danger and need as much attention and protection as the tiger

Tigress Travels Record Distance in Central India
P213-22 walked 99 km from her home in Panna Tiger Reserve to a non-protected area, where she is rearing two cubs

The Striped Sibling of the Idu Mishmi
The people of the Mishmi Hills in Arunachal Pradesh share a sacred kinship with the tiger

The Tiger Knows How to Pose for Cameras!
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Lightning and I: Encounters with a Tigress from Ranthambore
Tracking the many twists and turns in the life of a tigress from Rajasthan’s Ranthambore National Park
Wild Vault

An Encounter with the Grey Ghost of Ladakh
What do an eight-year-old and 14-year-old do when a snow leopard takes one of the goats they were herding?

How to Stay Warm Like a Snow Leopard
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Muskaan: The Leopard Queen of Kumbhalgarh
Muskaan has found a secure home on the peripheries of Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary, thanks to nomadic herders Raikas who have shared their space with leopards for decades. But new developments are tipping this fine balance. Will Muskaan have to abandon her home?

The Nitty-gritty of Releasing a Leopard
When a leopard is captured near Chalamasandra village, a team assembles to release it in the Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary

Leopards to the Rescue!
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Tiger Story: Lost Stripes of Gujarat
This is a tale of two big cats. One was abundant in numerous districts of Gujarat up to the early 1960s, the other was almost gone. In a twist of fate, it was the creature that was plentiful that became locally extinct in the state
Wild Vault

Leopards of Saswad: On the Edge of a Concrete Jungle
Wolves have ruled the Saswad grasslands for years, but recently an uninvited guest has taken over– the leopard. Now, the city threatens to take over these grasslands. Will the leopard survive the onslaught of the urban?

Alliances of Lions: Power and the Politics of Coalitions
Forming partnerships with other males is crucial to the survival of young male lions and allows them to become eligible bachelors

Wildlife Puzzle: Tiger Parenting
Put together this jigsaw to see a tiger mother with her cub

Meet Chilka Lake’s New Ambassador: The Fishing Cat
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Ranthambore: Majestic Forts, a Deciduous Forest and the Reign of the Tiger
Ranthambore is a rare place — there is history at every bend. Tigers lounge in ancient forts, hunt around heritage lakes and have their meal under centuries-old domes
Photo Story

Love thy Neighbour: The Villagers of Paddapukur and the Fishing Cat
In Paddapukur, a small village in West Bengal, fishermen and farmers are finding harmonious ways of living with their fellow fish-loving neighbour — the endangered fishing cat

Feared, Loved, Worshipped: The Enigma of the Sundarbans Tiger
The Sundarbans is the single largest habitat of the tiger in Asia and the only mangrove forest in the world to shelter it. Watch how it rules the tidal forests, and the lives of the 4.5 million people who share its habitat

Ground Control: Tigers Defend Their Territory
Tigers need a great deal of personal space and will go to great lengths to preserve it
Photo Story

Bold and Beautiful: Panna’s Glorious Tigers
By the end of 2009 not a single big cat was left in Panna Tiger Reserve. But through one of the country’s best conservation efforts, ten years later it is a thriving habitat with high tiger density, a stable population, and frequent sightings

Wildlife Puzzle: A Leopard takes a Catnap
Put together this jigsaw to see the highly adaptable cat catch a quick shut-eye

Indian Leopard: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this highly adaptable big cat

Crossing Paths with the Pallas’s Cat in the Trans-Himalaya
A dream, a pursuit, and finally, an encounter with the fabulous, fuzzy ribilik on a rocky outcrop near Hanle in Ladakh
Photo Story

Rising Mining Activities Threaten Tiger Habitats
Home to one-third of India's tiger population, the landscapes of central India and eastern ghats are among habitats under severe pressure from mining

How Local Communities Help Conserve the Snow Leopard
Community-led initiatives in Ladakh’s Sham Valley have deterred the ‘revenge killing’ of snow leopards and encouraged locals to participate in their conservation
Wild Vault

Bengal Tiger: Facts, Teeth, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about India's national animal

Dark Side: Spotting a Leopard in Panna Tiger Reserve
At night, the forests of India are happy stomping grounds for many creatures, but few are as adaptable, clandestine, and canny as the leopard

Shadow in the Swamp: The Aberrant Tiger of Sundarbans
The Sundarbans tiger is unlike its counterpart on the mainland — it drinks saline water, is an expert long-distance swimmer, and hunts with as much finesse in tidal currents as it does on land

Fishing Cat: Secret Keeper of the Mangrove Forest
Hidden deep in the mangrove thickets of Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary, is the elusive, nocturnal fishing cat — one that knows the secrets of land and water

Eye on the Tiger: Memories of Photographing the Wild Cat
Eight wildlife photographers talk about their most memorable tiger photographs from India’s forests
Photo Story

World Tiger Day: The Striped Star of our Forests
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Fishing Cat: Facts, Population, Habitat
All you need to know about this piscivore

Fishing Cat: Elusive Hunter of the Wetland Forest
This stealthy wild cat is not easy to spot even though it inhabits a variety of wetland ecosystems around India
Photo Story

Striped Sisters Lead Conservation in Sariska
The two sister tigers, ST-9 and ST-10, were relocated to Sariska tiger reserve in 2013 and have till date contributed significantly in building up the tiger population in the reserve
Wild Vault

The Gallant Tiger: Faithful Unto Death
A 19th-century story of a tiger who lost his life in defence of his master in the highlands of central India
Wild Vault

Spotted! A Leopard on the Prowl
Without timely conservation measures, the enigmatic <em>Panthera pardus</em> might end up in greater conflict with humans

Deep Wells of Danger: Karnataka’s Leopards in Peril
A study finds that between 2OO8 and 2O17, Karnataka witnessed 7O instances of leopards falling into open wells

An Inconvenient Truth: Tiger Conservation Beyond Protected Areas
India has over 75 per cent of the world population of Panthera tigris, but are we doing enough for the species?

Faking It: Big Cats and the Confusion Around Paternity
Female lions and tigers go to great lengths to mask the identity of their cubs’ fathers, and with good reason

A Forest of Folklore: Myths, Gods, and the Many Faces of the Tiger
How culture, traditions and gods of the Sundarbans are inseparable and intertwined with the forest and its most charismatic creature the swamp tiger
Wild Vault

Unregulated Leopard Tourism Worries Conservationists
Private leopard safaris around the periphery of protected areas with claims of “guaranteed sightings” causes concern

A Tiger’s Art Exhibition
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Aarey: The Wild Heart of Mumbai
Few cities in the world have large swathes of jungles within their borders, even fewer have leopards living within. Unfortunately, the green cover of India’s maximum city is under grave threat
Urban Jungle

Shared Spaces: The Leopards of Jawai in Rajasthan
The absence of human-animal conflict in a small area of the Aravalli Hills makes us re-examine our knowledge of leopard behaviour and their interactions with humans
Photo Story

Behind The Lens: An Unusual Encounter With a Snow Leopard
At a time when the relationship between big cats and humans is only spoken of in the context of conflict, Dhritiman Mukherjee shares his unusual, heart-warming exchange with a snow leopard in Ladakh

Fade to Black: When Big Cats Hide
How the coat colour and design of wild cats allows them to blend into a diverse range of habitats, at different times of day or night

Hunter Among the Mangroves: The Fishing Cat of Coringa
Relatively unknown, elusive, and utterly beautiful, the fishing cat is among the mangroves’ most spectacular animals

Stepping Stones to Tiger Security: The Need for Inclusive Conservation Models
Making a case for unlocking the true potential of India’s tiger conservation capacity in a manner that brings development to local communities and an increase in biodiversity
Sultry Sundarbans: The Tide, the Forest, and the Tiger Goddess
The Sundarbans is a vast mesh of crisscrossing rivers and tributaries lined with mangrove forests. It harbours hundreds of species of flora and fauna, and an intriguing story at every bend

In the Sundarbans, the Bengal Tiger is Always Watching You
Encounters with the tiger in the riverine, mangrove forests of the Sundarbans highlights its many roles — as flagship species, apex predator, photographer’s muse, fisherman’s nightmare, ghost, fictive kin, and god

Anil Mistry: The Ex-Poacher Who Rescues Tigers
How a poacher turned conservationist, and became one of the leading voices fighting for the survival of the maligned Sundarbans tiger

Tracking the Untraceable Sundarbans Tiger
The tiger of Sundarbans is unlike the tigers in rest of the country. In this excerpt from the book ‘Spell of the Tiger’, Sy Montgomery talks about why it is hard to track the mysterious, mythical ruler of the Sundarbans mangrove forest

Snow Leopard: The Ghost of the Brown Mountains
In the summers, the bare, endless mountains of Ladakh stretch as far as the eye can see. But hiding in plain sight, along its rugged, rocky edges, is a feline mountain ghost

The Fishing Cat in Laxmi’s Backyard
A study of the biodiversity of the Godavari delta offers a glimpse into the conservation status of the wetland dependant fishing cat that lives in the mangroves and swamps of this coastal region of Andhra Pradesh

Where the Wild Cat Roams: On Spotting the Black-Eared One
Tracing the history of sightings, of the rare and mysterious caracal, in the wilderness of east-central India

Meet the Forest’s New Apex Predator: Wire Snares
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Rosettes to the Rescue
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

The Big Melt: Snow Leopards and Climate Change
What will our rapidly warming world mean for the elusive Panthera uncia?
Photo Story

Kuno, India’s second home for the Asiatic lion, is ready
Madhya Pradesh’s Kuno Palpur Wildlife sanctuary is all set to be the new home for relocated Asiatic lions from Gir in Gujarat

The Guide: Gir National Park
Go for the lions, but stay for the rugged hills, the charming birds, the gregarious langurs, and the gratifying golden sunsets

Conflict and Coexistence: Leopards and the Residents of Valparai
How leopards adapt to human presence and communities learn to live in close proximity to the big cat, in the Anaimalai Hills of Tamil Nadu

The Queen of Jhalana is Dead, Long Live the Prince
The tigers of Jhalana may be a distant memory, but the leopards are just as worth saving

Snow Leopard: Facts, Diet, and Where it’s Found in India
Everything you need to know about the predator from the high, cold mountains

Cut the Crap!
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Masters of Disguise: Snow Leopard
Quietly concealing itself in rocky crevices, the snow leopard merges perfectly with its surroundings in the high-altitudes of the Himalayas
Wild Vault

Snow Leopard: The Ghost Cat and the Art of Waiting
A distant longing to see the snow leopard brings to light an epiphany: Everything is connected — man, animal, and ecology

Protecting the Snow Leopards of Asia’s Mountains
As their habitat is encroached upon, snow leopards face severe threats, but we can ensure that these splendid creatures, and the mountain people they live near, thrive and prosper

Behind the Revival of Panna’s Tigers
Conservation biologist Raghu Chundawat guided a spectacular revival of the tiger population in Panna National Park. The Rise and Fall of the Emerald Tigers is a detailed account of the effort