Scientific Name
Panthera pardus fusca
IUCN Status
Vulnerable (VU)
10-12 years
Male: 50-77 kg 7 kg, Female: 29-34 kg
All states of India
Habitat Type
Forest, shrubland, savanna, grassland, rocky areas, mountains, desert
Hunting, poisoning and retaliatory killing, poaching for pelts and body parts, become roadkill when roads and highways run through forests
Did You Know
Dark morphs or black leopards, often called black panthers, are the same species, but with recessive melanistic genes. Spots are hidden under the dark
IUCN Status
Vulnerable (VU)
10-12 years
Male: 50-77 kg 7 kg, Female: 29-34 kg
All states of India
Habitat Type
Forest, shrubland, savanna, grassland, rocky areas, mountains, desert
Hunting, poisoning and retaliatory killing, poaching for pelts and body parts, become roadkill when roads and highways run through forests
Did You Know
Dark morphs or black leopards, often called black panthers, are the same species, but with recessive melanistic genes. Spots are hidden under the dark
Through videos, stories, infographics and more, here's a deep dive into the world and life of the leopard