Pallas's cat
6 Results

Evidence of Manul’s Presence Found on Mount Everest
Cold-adapted wild cat’s existence confirmed on the slopes of the world’s highest mountain, thanks to scat samples retrieved from there in 2019

Pallas's Cats: Raising Kittens in Ladakh's Changing Landscape
For years, the high-altitude village of Hanle has been the Pallas's cat's safe abode, but new developments are rapidly altering the habitat. Can these two mother cats keep their kittens safe?

Pallas’s Cat: Silent Predator of the Trans-Himalayas
The cold and windy marshes of Hanle in Ladakh, with an abundance of pika and voles, is an ideal home for the Pallas’s cat. However, increasing construction activity in the area threatens this rich ecosystem

All that Fluff: Elusive Pallas’s Cats and Their Kittens
The Pallas’s cat is a magnificent yet rarely-seen high-altitude feline. To his delight, a wildlife photographer is able to spot this elusive creature near Hanle in Ladakh
Photo Story

Quiz: Small Carnivores
Small carnivores play an important role in the regulation of ecosystems. Take this quiz and find out how many of these little-known predators you know!

Pallas's Cat: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this elusive and small wildcat