habitat loss
16 Results

Future in Jeopardy: The Wild Water Buffalo in Assam
According to conservationists, it is habitat loss and not the practice of interbreeding with domestic buffaloes that has affected the population of the Asiatic buffalo

Northern Pig-tailed Macaque: Facts, Social Life, Threats
All you need to know about this vulnerable primate

Poaching Threatens Asiatic Black Bear in Arunachal Pradesh
Bears outside protected areas in the state targeted to meet the demands of the transnational wildlife trade

Winds of Change: New Strategies to Combat Human-Elephant Conflict
State forest departments of Odisha and Chattisgarh are working with local communities to mitigate conflict by using seed balls, drones and alarm machines

Unwelcome at Home: The Palm Civets of Kolkata
As Kolkata loses some of its heritage buildings to new development, the shifting landscape claims an unlikely victim — the nocturnal, shy palm civet
Urban Jungle

From Treetops to Trash: The Lion-tailed Macaques’ Fight for Survival
Lion-tailed macaques live on treetops and need connected canopies to travel, but the destruction of forests is forcing them to descend to the floor and look for food in the trash

The Ray Needs a Ray of Hope
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

It’s Complicated: Bats as the Most Vilified Creatures of the Night
Known to play a very significant role in maintaining our ecosystem, bats are now demonised and dreaded as carriers of deadly diseases. Virologists studying viruses, and chiropterologists who are bat researchers, disagree on how the pathogens they harbour have spilled over to humans

Dhangars of Saswad: How Traditional Livelihoods Conserve Unique Ecosystems
Climate change and infrastructure projects are threatening the traditional pastoral occupations that have helped preserve the grasslands of Saswad for centuries

The Stump-tailed Macaque Raises an Objection
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Smooth-Coated Otters: A Rough Ride Along Transforming Rivers
Smooth-coated otters are top predators of our riverine habitats, but new emerging threats are putting the lives of these playful, clever creatures at risk

In a Tight Corner: The Dwindling Elephant Herds of Assam
Massive habitat loss has pushed the elephants of Assam into fierce competition with humans over ever-shrinking resources

Forced to Join the Boys’ Club: Male Elephants Adapt to Change
Known to lead solitary lives once they reach adolescence, male elephants in South India are now responding to habitat changes by altering their behaviour and hanging out in all-male groups

Great Hornbill: Facts, Threats, Habitat
Everything you need to know about these feathered farmers of the forest

Wildlife Photography Exhibitions: Then and Now
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Goodbye Toughie, the Tree Frog
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour