37 Results

Arachnophobia: Untangling the Web of Dislike
Is our fear of spiders a phobia or an unfamiliarity with nature? Is getting creeped out or feeling disgust with them shaped by experience and social learning?
Wild Vault

Quiz: Small Carnivores
Small carnivores play an important role in the regulation of ecosystems. Take this quiz and find out how many of these little-known predators you know!

Common Kingfisher: The Bolt of Blue
Its vivid electric blue and orange colouring has led to a timeless fascination with its beauty, but this little bird is also an excellent hunter

The Art and Benefits of Pack-Hunting
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

The Tiger Knows How to Pose for Cameras!
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Bollywood and the Bad Romance of Water Striders
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Assassin Bugs: Bad Boys of the Insect World
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Indian Rat Snake: Nature’s Own Pest Control
An active, adaptable predator that keeps a check on many of the pests that thrive around us, this common snake also becomes prey for cobras, mongooses and raptors

Leopards of Saswad: On the Edge of a Concrete Jungle
Wolves have ruled the Saswad grasslands for years, but recently an uninvited guest has taken over– the leopard. Now, the city threatens to take over these grasslands. Will the leopard survive the onslaught of the urban?

Disappearing Predators: Wolves of the Deccan
Indian grey wolves have a long history of living in human-dominated landscapes, but their survival is now challenged by the rapid, unsustainable change taking place in these traditional habitats

A Reign at Risk: The Indian Grey Wolf and the Grasslands of Saswad
The Indian grey wolf is the apex predator of Saswad's grasslands, but defending its territory is not easy. It must chase away hyenas and aggressive packs of dogs. And now, a new challenger has shown up. Can the grey ghost of the grasslands retain its dominance?

Love thy Neighbour: The Villagers of Paddapukur and the Fishing Cat
In Paddapukur, a small village in West Bengal, fishermen and farmers are finding harmonious ways of living with their fellow fish-loving neighbour — the endangered fishing cat

Mugger: River Monster or Peaceful Giant?
Seen as dangerous predators and banished from most of their original habitats, marsh crocodiles suffer a perilous existence in India today

Feared, Loved, Worshipped: The Enigma of the Sundarbans Tiger
The Sundarbans is the single largest habitat of the tiger in Asia and the only mangrove forest in the world to shelter it. Watch how it rules the tidal forests, and the lives of the 4.5 million people who share its habitat

Marsh Crocodile: Facts, Size, Lifespan
Learn all you need to know about the mugger, an opportunistic feeder and apex predator

Striped Hyena: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this intelligent but misunderstood predator of the grasslands

Indian Wolf: Facts, Size, Weight, Habitat
All you need to know about this social inhabitant of semi-arid and arid areas

Water Monitor Lizard: Facts, Strength, Habitat
All you need to know about the second-largest lizard in the world

Bengal Tiger: Facts, Teeth, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about India's national animal

Spot-tailed Pit Viper: The Covert Operator of Coringa
Behind the opaque mangrove curtain of Coringa, a covert operator waits, silently for days on end, for unsuspecting prey to show up. Meet the mangrove forest's ambush predator — the spot-tailed pit viper

Great Barracuda: Facts, Size, Dangers
All you need to know about these adept marine hunters

Hunter Among the Mangroves: The Fishing Cat of Coringa
Relatively unknown, elusive, and utterly beautiful, the fishing cat is among the mangroves’ most spectacular animals

Spider Hunting Spider: Portia and the Art of Problem Solving
A peanut-sized jumping spider called Portia concocts complex strategies to catch its prey

Out of Favour: Prayer for a Mantis
This farmer’s aide is a voracious eater that has helped keep insect populations in check. Unfortunately, excessive spraying of chemical insecticides is destroying this natural pest controller

Clash of the Titans: When the King Cobra Meets a Rock Python
In the world of reptiles, boundaries between predator and prey are sometimes blurred

Snow Leopard: The Ghost of the Brown Mountains
In the summers, the bare, endless mountains of Ladakh stretch as far as the eye can see. But hiding in plain sight, along its rugged, rocky edges, is a feline mountain ghost

Living Dragons: Weapons, Defences and the Water Monitor Lizard
Though this predator is the second-largest lizard in the world, and very well adapted to the tropical environment it lives in, it is not at the top of the food chain

The Ultimate Survivor: The Swagger of the Bengal Monitor
The Bengal monitor lizard is an extraordinary survivor. It has roamed the planet for over 50 million years, battling storms, floods, droughts. Watch the scaly, cold-blooded predator swagger across India’s forests

Dental Arsenal: Getting to the Teeth of the Matter
On exploring the proposition that losing canine teeth turns carnivorous predators into man-eaters

Himalayan Brown Bear: Facts, Weight, and Population
Everything you need to know about the grizzly bear from the snow mountains

Silent Knight: How the Malabar Pit Viper Hunts in the Dark
The Malabar pit viper is a study in stillness. It remains motionless, waiting for its prey for hours, even days. But when the time is right, it strikes with lightning speed

Snow Leopard: Facts, Diet, and Where it’s Found in India
Everything you need to know about the predator from the high, cold mountains

Dogs on the Rooftop: Faithful Friends or Fierce Predators?
A dramatic increase in the number of livestock and wildlife being attacked by free-ranging dogs is having an adverse effect on the fragile landscape of the cold desert of Spiti

Masters of Disguise: Snow Leopard
Quietly concealing itself in rocky crevices, the snow leopard merges perfectly with its surroundings in the high-altitudes of the Himalayas
Wild Vault

King Cobra: The World’s Longest Venomous Snake
How does the cannibalistic, snake-eating king cobra manage to multiply and survive?

Malabar Pit Viper: Ambush in the Well of Life and Death
Occurring in an array of different colours, the nocturnal Malabar pit viper is a keen hunter that is endemic to the rainforests of the Western Ghats

Moray Eels: Delightful or Deadly?
Lightning fast moray eels with their razor sharp teeth look scarier than they are
Wild Vault