Sea Slugs: Facts, Predators and Defensive Tricks

Infographic Published : Mar 13, 2025 Updated : Mar 24, 2025
Everything you need to know about these vibrant and colourful marine creatures
Everything you need to know about these vibrant and colourful marine creatures

Q: Where are sea slugs found?

A: They have a truly global distribution, living in tropical, temperate, and polar waters, from shallow intertidal zones to depths of over 2000m.

Q: What do they eat?

A: Their diet includes algae, sponges, anemones, and other invertebrates.

Q: What is the largest known species?

A: The Black Sea Hare, which can grow up to 1 meter in length.

Q: What are some key physical traits?

A: They have soft bodies, may lack a shell or have a very small one, and possess both male and female reproductive organs. Some also have small, finger-like extensions on their back.

About the contributors

Wenzel Pinto

Wenzel Pinto

is a marine biologist at the Nature Conservation Foundation and is currently working on reef dynamics and island vulnerability in the Lakshadweep archipelago.
Diviya Mehra

Diviya Mehra

is a graphic designer. She was the former art director of National Geographic Traveller. Her love for animals, travel and design has shaped her career through the years.
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