Forest Birds
13 Results

Bugun Liocichla: A Quest to See this Rare Gem of the Northeast
The first new bird species to be discovered in India after independence is found only in a tiny, protected area of Arunachal Pradesh

Purple Cochoa: Facts, Diet, Calls
All you need to know about this extremely shy bird found in hill and submontane forests

Green Cochoa: Facts, Calls, Habitat
All you need to know about this extremely uncommon green bird of hill forests

A Lengthy Tweet
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Indian Paradise Flycatcher: Facts, Habitat, Colour Morphs
All you need to know about the shah bulbul

Bugun Liocichla: Discovery, Geographical Range, Habitat
All you need to know about this highly endemic, critically endangered bird

Wildlife Puzzle: Woodpecker
Put together this jigsaw to see a beautiful brown fronted woodpecker chasing a rufous sibia in Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary

Indian Paradise Flycatcher: Flash Dance of the Glam King
Dressed to the nines, with blue eye rings, dapper suits, and fancy trailing ribbons, the adult male of this species is a showstopper

The Courtship Dance of the Western Parotia
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Bugun and a Forest of Hope
In the dense forests of western Arunachal Pradesh, lives a rare, critically endangered bird that brought a community and its forests together. Meet the Bugun liocichla and the people that help secure its home

Bringing a Forest Back from the Brink
Researcher-illustrator duo Nandini Velho and Anjora Noronha explore how community attitudes towards logging have changed in Arunachal Pradesh's Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary, thanks to nature-based tourism

How the Bugun Liocichla is Keeping an Indigenous Culture in the Northeast Alive
Tales of culture and conservation, from the West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh

A Lesson in Love: The Great Hornbill Charms a Mate
Wooing a female hornbill can take days, even weeks. After all, it's a big decision. Great hornbills are monogamous and even mate for life