Marine Fish
45 Results

Angelfish: Bright Blues and Graceful Swims
Among the most conspicuous fish of shallow waters of tropical coral reefs, angelfish stand out with their angular bodies, striking colouration, mesmerising patterns, and long, graceful fins

Damselfish: Facts, Habitats, Courtship
Everything you need to know about these dazzling farmers of the coral reefs

Angelfish: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about these brilliantly coloured tropical coral reef fish

Damselfish: The Farmers of the Reef
Colourful and charismatic and with elaborate courtship rituals, damselfish protect their territories fiercely, defending small patches of turf algae as they farm and cultivate them meticulously

Save the Whale Sharks of the Lakshadweep Islands
The largest fish in our oceans has thrived in the pristine waters of the Lakshadweep islands, but unregulated large-scale fishing, dumping of waste, and increased ship traffic have disturbed the reefs and the marine diversity of this region

Guitarfish and Giant Guitarfishes: Facts, Sensory Systems, Threats
All you need to know about these elusive, underappreciated cousins of stingrays

Moray Eels: Facts, Size, Habitat, Hunting Strategies
Everything you need to know about these dragons of the sea

Demand for Shark Meat Fuelled by Restaurants
A survey of seafood restaurants in 10 coastal states of India found that they form an important part of domestic supply chains for shark meat

Tetraodontiform Fish and the Art of Self-Defence
These tropical marine fishes have evolved various defence strategies to protect themselves — ranging from having tough, leathery skin, spines, and horns to inflating their bodies and exuding toxins
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Triggerfish: Facts, Habits, Threats
All you need to know about this fish found around coral reefs

Tenacious Triggerfish: The Territorial Reef Residents
Though they have a well-deserved reputation for being aggressive and protective of their territory, these colourful fish also play a key role in the marine ecosystem

Parrotfish: Facts, Habits, Threats
All you need to know about this multi-coloured fish that poop sand

Moray Eels: Top Predators with an Arsenal of Defences
Moray eels are unique in appearance, breaking all fish stereotypes. They are apex predators of coral reefs, with unique adaptations that give them a survival advantage
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Hawkfish: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about these ambush predators of the reef

Whale Shark: Facts, Diet, Conservation
All you need to know about the largest living fish

Butterflyfish: Facts, Habits, Jaw Morphologies
All you need to know about these brightly coloured fish

Boxfish: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about these toxin-secreting box-shaped fish

Butterflyfish in a Coral Garden
In warm, tropical seas, these brightly coloured and intricately patterned fish are well adapted to eat coral and to defend themselves against predators

Boxfish: An Evolutionary Guide to Self-preservation
Boxfishes have a fully loaded arsenal of defences against predators, including an armour and lethal poisons

Lionfish: Facts, Habitat, Venom
All you need to know about this nocturnal, marine, native fish

Good News for the Sharks?
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Beauty or Beast? The Lionfish Conundrum
Lionfish leave some spellbound while others loathe them. A brief story of these expert ambush predators that have spread from their native homes in the Indo-Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, creating a lionfish invasion crisis

Sharks: Facts, Jaws, Threats
All you need to know about the apex predators of the ocean

Small Fish: Thumbelinas of the Sea
Peek into the world of tiny fish and their short, challenging lives packed with colour, diversity, and extraordinary behaviour
Photo Story

Bright and Bristly: Christmas Tree Worms and Their Festive Whorls
These fascinating marine creatures with spiralling plumes gently waving with the ocean’s currents live exclusively within the protection of calcareous tubes they build in corals

Seahorses: Facts, Diet, Threats
All you need to know about these well-camouflaged marine fish

The Fish That Quit Horsing Around
Having evolved 25 million years ago, seahorses are unparalleled in their body structure, behaviour and ecology
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Great Barracuda: Shiny and Scary but Surprisingly Shy
The great barracuda evokes both fear and fascination. It is lightning fast when catching prey but otherwise lives a life of quiet composure within the deep blue

Friends in Low Places: Connecting with the Ocean
If we can build a healthy curiosity and sense of wonder about the ocean, we’ve taken the critical first step to further its conservation

Common Venomous Reef Creatures of the Shallow Seas
Among the multitude of fish on reefs are a vast array of venomous stingers. Though most use their poison in self-defence and to hunt, they will also strike at perceived threats
Photo Story

How Goa is Emerging as the New Shark-Eating Destination
As Goa gears up for tourists post-pandemic, restaurants are promoting their food on social media, and shark meat preparations are the most popular among them

Who Wears Pyjamas to Work? The Pyjama Sharks!
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Gulf of Mannar’s Corals Endangered by Marine Debris
Abandoned nets, plastic fish traps, ropes and lines make corals susceptible to injury, fragmentation, and disease, say researchers

The Zen of Diving
Age is no bar for falling in love with the meditative, magical underwater landscapes of India’s Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep islands

When a Mermaid Met a Herpetologist
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

COVID-19 Vaccine: The Shark Has a Few Suggestions
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Blennies: Facts, Lifespan, and Life on the Coral Reefs
Meet one of the cutest fish on the coral reef

Bewitching Blennies: Pixies of the Seas
Blennies are small, cute fish that are essential to the functioning of coral reef ecosystems. Being abundant and quick to reproduce, they are an important food source for predators.

The Ray Needs a Ray of Hope
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Follow the Pufferfish for Underwater Art
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Great Barracuda: Facts, Size, Dangers
All you need to know about these adept marine hunters

Satyajit Ray’s Underwater Fanclub
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Long Live the Greenland Sharks
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Nirvana is for Everyone
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Not Just Jaws: Shark Facts Fresh from Indian Seas
Docile zebra sharks are as conspicuous as aggressive tiger sharks, and other interesting tidbits on five (of numerous) species of shark that live in Indian waters
Wild Vault