33 Results

The Endangered Nilgiri Tahr: What is Threatening South India's Only Mountain Ungulate
The incredibly biodiverse Nilgiris are home to southern India's only mountain ungulate - the Nilgiri tahr. Capable of scaling steep and rocky terrains, this mountain goat is the state animal of Tamil Nadu and a sure-footed presence in Western Ghats landscape. But why is its population endangered? Watch our film to find out.

Tragopans of India: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about the four colourful and elusive Tragopans found in the Himalayas

Caracal in Crisis: From a Life among Royals, to Fighting for Survival
Till 2001, the caracal was seen in 13 Indian states but now it is reported in only three states in India with two viable populations in Rajasthan and Gujarat

Irrawaddy Dolphin: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this social mammal

Green Sea Turtle: Facts, Habitat, Ocean Life
All you need to know about the only herbivorous sea turtle

Golden Mahseer: Facts, Threats, Habitat
Learn everything you need to know about the endangered golden mahseer

Pallas’s Squirrel: Facts, Lifespan and Behaviour
Learn everything you need to know about this sharp-eyed squirrel from Northeast India

Red Panda: Facts, Lifespan and Behaviour
Learn everything you need to know about this shy and secretive resident of the eastern Himalayas

Indian Pangolin: Facts, Threats, Habitat, Diet
A fact file on the Indian pangolin or scaly anteater, the most trafficked wild animal in the world

Dhole: Diet, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this communal pack hunter

Nilgiri Tahr: Facts, Habitat, and Protection Status
All you need to know about these steep, mountain climbers

Ganges River Dolphin: Facts, Population, and Protection Status
All you need to know about India's national aquatic animal

Narcondam Hornbill: Facts, Habitat, and Call
All you need to know about these enigmatic seed dispersers

Lost and Found: A Quest to Revive the Rare Batagur Baska
How a breeding programme in the Sundarbans is bringing the critically endangered batagur baska back from the brink of extinction

Bengal Tiger: Facts, Teeth, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about India's national animal

Asian Elephant: Facts, Habitat, Weight, Threats
All you need to know about Asia's largest terrestrial mammal

Saving One of the Largest and Rarest Turtles from Extinction
A researcher is collecting data and building networks among communities in Kerala to work towards the conservation of Cantor’s giant softshell turtle

Greater Hoopoe-Lark: Facts, Call, Habitat
All you need to know about this trickster of the desert

Hunter Among the Mangroves: The Fishing Cat of Coringa
Relatively unknown, elusive, and utterly beautiful, the fishing cat is among the mangroves’ most spectacular animals

Lion-tailed Macaque: Facts, Habitat, and Threats
Everything you need to know about the lion of the tree canopies

Greater Adjutant Stork: Size, Habitat, and Diet
Everything you need to know about the scavenging bird with a military gait

The Trickster of the Desert: Greater Hoopoe Lark
The greater hoopoe lark is clever. When it sees a predator, it fake falls and pretends to be an injured, easy prey, to distract the hunter from its nest

Tall, Dark and Handsome: The Greater Adjutant
A brief history of the decline of this enormous, endangered bird and the community-driven initiatives that have given it a new lease of life

The Western Hoolock Gibbon: Facts, Habitat, Threats
The western hoolock gibbon is a subspecies of the only non-human ape in India, the hoolock gibbon

A Man, a Myth, and the Greater Adjutant in Bihar
Under the leadership of a bird enthusiast, a village in Bihar has come together to protect the nests and restore the future of the endangered greater adjutant

Hoolock Gibbons: Return of the Apes of Northeast India
Multilevel action plans that closely involve and benefit local communities are the only way forward to save the endangered gibbons of India

The Lion-Tailed Macaque Laments Taxonomy
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Bridging the Canopy Gap
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Assam Roofed Turtle: Facts, Habitat, Threats
Everything you need to know about Assam's threatened turtle

Pygmy Hog, Giant Problems
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Born with a Silver Spoon
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Victims of a Vile Trade, Pangolins are Almost Extinct
Illogical and unscientific beliefs make this shy mammal’s scales highly prized by poachers. It’s time to stop the massacre

Red Panda, the Cuddly Asian Bamboo Eater
It’s cute as a kitten and agile as an acrobat, but the red panda is an elusive creature that’s very hard to spot