25 Results

Four-horned Antelope: Facts, Diet, Behaviour
All you need to know about the chousingha

Nicobar Long-tailed Macaque: Facts, Habitat, Diet, Threats
Everything you need to know about this endemic primate from the Nicobar islands

Asiatic Black Bear: Facts, Weight, Habitat and Population
All you need to know about the solitary, nocturnal moon bear

Capped Langur: Facts, Diet, and Habitat
All you need to know about the capped langur, a highly arboreal primate, with a distinctive tuft of dark hair on its head

Oriental Small-clawed Otter: Facts, Habitat, and Illegal Trade
All you need to know about this shy, mostly nocturnal creature

Ladakh Urial: Facts, Habitat, and Population
All you need to know about the ancestor of present-day domestic sheep

Olive Ridley Turtle: Facts, Diet, and Nesting
All you need to know about the most abundant sea turtles in the world

Chousingha: The Shy Four-horned Antelope
At the first sign of danger this rare antelope darts into the undergrowth. Spotting a pair in Panna Tiger Reserve is like hitting the jackpot

Sloth Bear: Size, Habitat, and Use as Dancing Bears
All you need to know about this termite-loving resident of the Indian subcontinent

Western Tragopan: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this attractive and vulnerable pheasant

Marsh Crocodile: Facts, Size, Lifespan
Learn all you need to know about the mugger, an opportunistic feeder and apex predator

Indian Leopard: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this highly adaptable big cat

MacQueen’s Bustard: Courtship Rituals, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this persecuted bustard

Smooth-coated Otter: Facts, Threats, Habitat
All you need to know about the largest of Asia's otters

Fishing Cat: Facts, Population, Habitat
All you need to know about this piscivore

Black-necked Crane: Facts, Diet, Migration
Everything you need to know about this graceful, winged visitor

Capped Langurs and their Risky Quest for a Special Treat
In Assam’s Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary, tree-dwelling capped langurs rarely set foot on ground, except when a special treat beckons

Stump-tailed Macaque: Appearance, Diet, and Breeding
All you need to know about the primate that rules the forest floors of Hollongapar

Snow Leopard: Facts, Diet, and Where it’s Found in India
Everything you need to know about the predator from the high, cold mountains

King Cobra: Facts, Venom, Habitat
All you need to know about the world's longest venomous snake

Black-breasted Parrotbill: Facts, Habitat, Threats
Everything you need to know about this elusive bird from the grasslands

Bengal Slow Loris: Facts, Habitat, Threats
Everything you need to know about this nocturnal primate from the forests of Northeast India

Great Hornbill: Facts, Threats, Habitat
Everything you need to know about these feathered farmers of the forest

Hoolock Gibbons: Return of the Apes of Northeast India
Multilevel action plans that closely involve and benefit local communities are the only way forward to save the endangered gibbons of India

Rhinos Without Borders
The conservation story of the rhino has been a happy one. However, collective action by rhino-range countries is critical to the future growth and survival of the one-horned giant