Stories on environmental concerns and protecting India's wildlife
271 Species

Dung Beetles Key to Unravelling Climate Change?
Experts say that studying dung beetles can help monitor environmental health, including habitat loss, fragmentation and climate change

Lateritic Plateau Frogs Threatened by Farms
A new study examines how converting lateritic plateaus into paddy fields and orchards impact amphibians

Wildlife Tourism: Perilous or an Opportunity to Aid Conservation?
While some of the negative impacts of wildlife tourism are clear and hotly debated, it can also aid conservation efforts, helping both forests and forest communities

The Climate Refugee Elephants of South India
Climate change and habitat loss are driving elephants from neighbouring Tamil Nadu and Karnataka to travel to Andhra Pradesh to forage in farms

Mangroves Still Reeling from Aftermath of 2004 Tsunami
After the 2004 tsunami, mangroves in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are still changing

Fishing Cat Population Booming in Chilika
A recent survey of fishing cats in Chilika reveals an increased population density of the small wild cat

Savannas Under the Scanner
A new remote sensing study used tree cover as a metric to examine the drivers influencing the savannas and forests

How Tea Gardens in Darjeeling and Kalimpong Can Contribute Towards Landscape Conservation
Today, as tea gardens face existential threats due to market pressures, climate change and landuse change, sustainable practices such as agroforestry and efficient water management, could provide environmental, economic, and social benefits, contributing to conservation efforts
Trailing the Spiny-tailed Lizard in Kachchh, Gujarat
In Nakhatrana, Gujarat, a small community initiative to save spiny-tailed lizards and prevent them being hunting has helped revive their population

Sacred Stripes: Reverence for Waghoba in Central India
Waghoba worship and accepting the tiger as a clan deity are common practices among various Central Indian communities. Statues are often placed at village entrances both to commemorate those killed by tigers and to protect the village from future attacks

Arunachal’s birds: Canary in the Coalmine
Birds in this biodiversity hotspot are shifting their ranges upslope, signalling serious ecological damage in the eastern Himalayas. Alarmed at the change, local people are actively participating in conservation efforts

A Match Made in Heaven: Traditional Wisdom and Modern Science
Community members monitoring ecology in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve integrate traditional knowledge with modern scientific methods to monitor climate impacts on their forests, rivers, and farms

Harnessing the Power of AI to Combat Human-wildlife Conflict in Tadoba
An innovative early warning system introduced at villages in the Tadoba-Andhari landscape in eastern Maharashtra has helped mitigate human-wildlife conflict and achieve zero casualties in those places where the system is installed

Neglected Mammal and Bird Pollinators in the Spotlight
Scientists highlight the role of mammals such as bats and squirrels as economically important pollinators at a time their population is declining

Sal: The Robust Timber Tree
The sal’s flowers, leaves, and wood are considered sacred and medicinal in some parts of India. But it is its straight, wide trunk circumference, massive height, and resistance to termites that make it most valuable

Hispid Hare Left With Nowhere to Go
A new study provides insights into the distribution of the elusive and shy hispid hare, emphasising the growing threats of climate change, habitat loss and land cover changes

Little to Celebrate for Koraput Tribal Communities as Forest Commons Dwindle
Indigenous communities in Odisha’s Koraput district have observed a steady degradation of forest commons due to anthropogenic activities as well as climate change

India’s Western Coastline Under a Fish Knife
Fish stocks in the Arabian Sea, off India’s western coast, have been declining rapidly. While policymakers need to act fast to ensure we have fish for decades to come, consumers can be aware and do their bit too

Save the Whale Sharks of the Lakshadweep Islands
The largest fish in our oceans has thrived in the pristine waters of the Lakshadweep islands, but unregulated large-scale fishing, dumping of waste, and increased ship traffic have disturbed the reefs and the marine diversity of this region

Small Cats Meow to Nobody’s Notice
A review paper on the ecology and current status of nine small felids in India flags declining conservation status

Shadowing Elephants: The Story of Kallar
The Kallar Corridor is a narrow habitat that allows for the movement of animals from one protected area to another. However, National Highway 181 and numerous other factors still severely restrict animal movement. Keeping the corridor a coexistence zone for people and wildlife is an ongoing process

Poison in Diet Emerges as Threat to Greater Adjutant Storks
After the population of greater adjutant storks rose in Bhagalpur, Bihar, stork deaths are being noted across the district, due to the consumption of poisoned rats and fish

Where Did the Grassland Birds Go?
The fragmented grasslands of Nannaj, Maharashtra, are witnessing strong declines in specialist birds such as the great Indian bustard, red-necked falcon and great grey shrike

Shifting Baselines: A Fish Spawning Aggregation in Lakshadweep
A remote atoll in the northern Lakshadweep archipelago harbours a unique fish spawning aggregation site of squaretail groupers. With commercial reef fisheries having discovered this once-pristine aggregation, unsustainable extraction of resources is now the main story

Animal Rescuers Face an Uphill Battle as Human-wildlife Interactions Rise in Kashmir
There are regular reports of wild bears and leopards in Kashmir, venturing out of forests in search of food, resulting in encounters with humans and their livestock

Elevational Movements of Himalayan Birds Lend Clues to Improve Conservation Efforts
A study of eBird checklists from 2011 to 2022 suggests that conservation of lower elevation habitats may benefit high elevation birds that move downslope for the winter

Turtle Tales: Conservation Along India’s Coast
At Agonda beach in Goa’s Canacona district, a record 181 olive ridley turtles nested in 2024. The beach also has a hatchery to safeguard eggs and hatchlings from predators, aid research, combat poaching, and offer ecotourism and educational opportunities

Pingers and an Attempt to Save the Ganges River Dolphin
Can an acoustic device attached to fishing nets save the Ganges river dolphin from becoming bycatch in traditional gillnet fishery?

Sizing the Scavenging Value of Vultures
A new paper captures the value of carcass disposal services provided by vultures and highlights the benefits of investing in captive breeding and vulture safe zone

Tadoba Welcomes White-rumped Vultures
As part of a larger plan to revive the decimated vulture populations of India and secure their long-term survival, captive-bred vultures will soon be rewilded in Maharashtra’s Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve

Can a Rare Bird Save a Remote Manipuri Village?
While the locals of Manipur’s Jessami Village have hunted wildlife for generations, the presence of the state bird, Mrs Hume’s pheasant, in their backyard is slowly pushing them to give up hunting and protect its habitat

Rhinos Rebound in Manas
Rhinos translocated from Kaziranga and Pobitora are thriving at Manas National Park

Invasive Tilapia Reaches the Sea
Recent observations of tilapia in the coastal waters near Devipattinam have prompted an investigation to understand and assess their colonisation patterns

Conflict vs Coexistence: Mitigating Human-Leopard Interactions
In parts of Uttarakhand, officials of the forest department are implementing a human behavioural change programme among local populations to reduce incidents of human-leopard conflict

Hope in the Land of the Rising Sun: Hunting and the Adis of the Siang River Basin
From practising ritualistic and sustenance hunting, the Adi have now banned it. Recognising the biodiversity crisis, the community is trying hard to revive the harmony between human activity and nature

Why the Television Matters for Elephant Conservation
Understanding how people think, feel, and make decisions in the context of human-wildlife interactions is critical for conservation action. Behavioural economics can help navigate these complex systems

As Central Indian Wild Water Buffalo Faces Extinction, can Reintroduction Revive Their Numbers?
As the central Indian wild water buffaloes face extinction, a new study proposes reintroducing genetically similar individuals from northeast India to Kanha Tiger Reserve in central India

Crossing Corridors: In the Footsteps of a Tiger
In the face of road expansion and development projects, making space for animal corridors holds the potential to create robust connectivity for various wildlife

Demand for Shark Meat Fuelled by Restaurants
A survey of seafood restaurants in 10 coastal states of India found that they form an important part of domestic supply chains for shark meat

Population Control of Animals to Resolve Conflict
A new report by the Wildlife Institute of India suggests population control of four species that are most in conflict with humans

Karnataka’s Elephantine Problem
State forest department being questioned after celebrated elephant gets killed during an elephant capture operation

Birds of Arunachal Sanctuary Threatened by Loss of Grasslands
The grasslands of Daying Ering Memorial Wildlife Sanctuary are home to the rare Bengal florican and the endemic swamp grass babbler

Coexisting with Snakes in Goa – A Utopian Dream?
A concerted effort by individuals and NGOs over the last two decades has increased awareness about snakes in Goa, reducing the number of snakebites and human and snake mortality from encounters

With A Little Help From Our Friends: Managing Invasive Plant Species
Can we leverage megaherbivores like elephants to control the spread of highly invasive species like Lantana?

Humpback Dolphins: Sharing Coastal Spaces with Humans in Vembanad
Confined to shallow, coastal waters, this highly intelligent dolphin species inhabits areas frequented by local fishers and interacts differently with the many vessels that pepper the estuary

On the wings of the Bugun Liocichla
Active local participation has helped the Singchung Bugun Village Community Reserve in Arunachal Pradesh become a conservation success. And it all started with the discovery of this critically endangered bird

Loss of Habitat Forces Indian Crested Porcupines to Enter Saffron Fields in Kashmir
Experts estimate that in recent years nearly 5,000 hectares of land growing saffron has been impacted by porcupines that are coming into fields in search of food due to loss of their natural habitats

Winds of Change: Sharing Space with the Wild in Ramanagara
At first glance, the Ramanagara landscape seems like a picturesque habitat dotted by giant boulders. A closer look reveals new emerging signs of conflict with the wild

Saving Olive Ridley turtles in Visakhapatnam
Fishermen and migrant workers are rescuing the endangered turtle – one egg at a time

Dwindling Bird Populations are an Indication of Biodiversity Loss
Around 60 percent of birds in India have experienced population decline over the long term of 30 years, says 2023 State of India’s Birds report

Threatened Pangolins in the Tea Plantations of the Darjeeling Hills
Can the Chinese pangolin, who lives among the tea estates of Darjeeling, survive the social, political and economic turbulences of the region?

Leopards in Udaipur: Struggle of a Predator
As large areas of ecologically sensitive forest are destroyed for highways, factories, and mining, the leopard comes into increased conflict with humans

No Room for Bats
Bats in parts of Tamil Nadu are facing a decline in population due to urbanisation, the use of bright lights, temple renovations and tree removals

Behavioural Shift: Tigers Attack Bike Riders Along Corbett
In a period of nine months, five such attacks on bikers were recorded around Corbett Tiger Reserve. Four people were killed, and one was seriously injured

India's Tiger Estimation Exercise Reveals State of its Forests
Out of approximately 5,83,278 square km of forests in the tiger states, only one-third are in relatively healthy condition, says NTCA report

Humidity and Weather Conditions Take its Toll on Cheetahs in Kuno
Experts attribute the death of three cheetahs, that took place in July and August this year, to infection in wounds on the animals’ skin as their winter fur retained water during the heavy monsoons and caused the occurrence of maggots.

The Resonance of Restoration
Scientists are stringing recorders around trees in eastern Madhya Pradesh to listen to bird calls and monitor changes in health of restored dry, deciduous forests after the removal of invasive shrub Lantana camara

Managing the Elephant in the Room
Understanding the species’ ecology and behaviour is critical to any success in implementing measures to deal with human-elephant interactions in South India

Concerted Efforts Crucial to Safeguard Kerala's Mangroves
More than 75 percent of the mangrove patches in Kerala are privately owned, which makes conservation difficult. Multiple attempts by the forest department to acquire mangroves from private owners have hit roadblocks.

Wildlife Crime: Death by a Snare
A single snare can potentially kill more than one animal. Snares don’t discriminate or select their victims, and they can take the lives of tigers, deer, wild boars, leopards, and even elephants

Long-term Plans Key to Addressing Kerala's Human-elephant Conflict
Wildlife experts assert that mechanisms such as tracking elephant movement areas, installing alert lights for elephant sightings, creating awareness among residents and installing electric fences the right way, can be some long-term measures to prevent conflict

Reforesting Arunachala Hill in Tiruvannamalai
After a long tryst with fires burning up its vegetation and numerous community conservation efforts, Arunachala Hill is finally a rewilding success

Deforestation Threatens Western Ghats' Amphibians
Infrastructure and plantation expansion in the southern Western Ghats threaten the region’s amphibian species, many of which have highly restricted habitats

New Rescue Centres for Seized Wildlife in Northeast States
The rescue centres to be built with financial aid from the Central Zoo Authority will provide an alternative to zoos, which lack space and resources

Mass Die-offs of Fish in Kerala Linked to Warming Water and Pollution
Warming water and pollution from industries, chemicals and pesticide run offs, lead to fish kill during summer months in Kerala. Some endangered and critically endangered species and active brooders become a part of this mass mortality

Protecting Land and Life: Dibang Valley’s First Community Conserved Area
Idu Mishmi efforts in biodiversity conservation and camera trapping in Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh

Roadkill Instances on the Rise in Jammu and Kashmir
Felids and canids are noted to be the most common victims of roadkill, among other nocturnal vertebrates on roads constructed in northwestern Himalayas.

Is the Dancing Frog’s Jig Over?
Malformations such as a missing eye or deformed limb have been noted in the Kottigehar dancing frog, possibly due to anthropogenic stressors.

Artisanal Fishers of Rameswaram Stand Against Polluting Shrimp Farms on the Island
They allege that shrimp farms behind their village have polluted their groundwater, encroached their commons and that some farms don’t abide by government rules

Elephants Crossing: Danger and Death on a Railway Track in Palakkad
Around the country, train accidents continue to kill scores of elephants. Numerous elephants in the Palakkad division have met the same disastrous fate. Urgent conservation measures are required to stop this recurring tragedy

Tigers, Leopards Venture Into Snow Leopard Territory in the Himalayas
A warming climate threatens to push Nepal’s three big cat species — tigers, leopards and snow leopards — into closer proximity to each other, with unknown consequences for the survival of each

‘Wonder Bird of the Himalayas’ Faces Several Threats
Several anthropogenic pressures continue to impact the ibisbill, with sand and boulder mining being its biggest threat.

Biodiversity Enhancement in Western Ghats Linked to Habitat Preservation
Several habitat and climatic factors influence evolutionary processes and play an important role in shaping biodiversity

Living With Elephants: Can Mobile Technology Help Mitigate Human-wildlife Conflict?
Human casualties are the dominant cost of human-wildlife conflict in India. A community-based initiative in Valparai attempts to mitigate this and help people and elephants coexist

On Saving Whale Sharks
Two decades of persistent conservation efforts have helped save these gentle giants in Gujarat, and protection programmes are now being replicated in other parts of the country

An Insider’s Perspective: The Short Life of an Asian Elephant in West Bengal
Indian elephants live for 50 years, they say. Except when they are forced to share spaces with humans who are squeezing their limited habitats

Gul Toor Flowering Early in Kashmir Due to Climate Change
The Kashmir Valley is experiencing warmer winters and as a result the flowering period for the Sternbergia vernalis flower has shifted from mid-March to mid-February

Crop Raids by Wildlife on the Rise in Kaziranga
Crop raids by wild boars and elephants coupled with land erosion near the sixth addition of Kaziranga National Park are altering cultivation patterns among farmers

Invasive Plants Spreading in Higher Elevations
A global study notes consistent increases in the number of alien plant species in mountainscapes and their swift spread into higher elevations between 2007 and 2017.

Nagaland's Biodiversity Documentation Receives Boost Through First Bird Count
The Tokhü Emong Bird Count (TEBC) is a flagship event that is taking steps to promote conservation in the state by creating awareness through birding.

Identifying Mugger Crocodiles Using Drones
Researchers in Gujarat believe the model could be useful in rescue and relocation efforts to minimise human-crocodile conflicts and in analysing mugger biology.

Forest Protection Key to Saving the Indian Giant Squirrel
Habitat conservation, identification and protection of specific trees, prevention of habitat fragmentation and reduction of human interference critical to reverse the squirrel’s declining numbers

Two Endangered Freshwater Turtles Receive International Conservation Support
India’s proposal for higher protection for the red-crowned roofed and Leith softshell turtles was accepted at the CITES conference.

Dilemma of Protecting the Slender Loris
With the recent notification of a slender loris sanctuary near Panchanthangi in Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu, there are questions over what the restrictions of this now-declared Protected Area mean for local livelihoods

Communities and the Heronries, Can They Save Each Other?
The relationship between the birds and humans in the coastal communities in Andhra Pradesh differs greatly from one village to the next

Under Fire: Smooth-coated Otters on the Cauvery
The habitat of smooth-coated otters is severely threatened by numerous activities. As they adapt to changes, they come into increased conflict with humans

Dying River: Declining Water Quality and Fish Stocks on the Cauvery
From pollution to global warming, many factors adversely impact the Cauvery’s water quality. As a result, native fish populations are impacted, affecting on the entire ecosystem that depends on this river

Fishers’ Quandary: Strain and Survival on the Cauvery
With the Cauvery’s depleting fish stocks, the lives of fishers who depend on this river for their livelihoods have become increasingly uncertain, forcing them to adapt to different methods of fishing

Endangered White-winged Wood Duck's Habitat Threatened by Climate Change
Study on the impacts of climate change on Assam’s state bird revealed that 436.61 sq. km. of highly potential habitat would be lost by 2070

Climate Change Adding to the Spread of Invasive Species
Invasive plants such as Lantana camara and Chromolaena odorata are emerging as a serious threat, especially to natural and agricultural landscapes

Apprehension Raised Over Translocation of Tigers in Maharashtra
Conservationists concerned that the Navegaon-Nagzira Tiger Reserve does not have favourable conditions for tigers from Chandrapur

Rajasthan’s Desert Ecology Impacted by Unusually Heavy Rains
Local flora and fauna is being affected by changes in water availability and vegetation

Pallas’s Cat: Silent Predator of the Trans-Himalayas
The cold and windy marshes of Hanle in Ladakh, with an abundance of pika and voles, is an ideal home for the Pallas’s cat. However, increasing construction activity in the area threatens this rich ecosystem

The Arduous Ambition of Bringing the Cheetah Home
Since the arrival of African cheetahs to India, there have been questions and debates around their relocation. Dean of Wildlife Institute of India and author of the Cheetah Action Project 2022, Yadvendradev Jhala, addresses the criticism and talks about the challenges of undertaking an ambitious project like this

Human-Wildlife Clashes in a Changing Kashmir Valley
Rapid urbanisation and a changing forest landscape set wild animals and locals against each other in Kashmir. The latest victims of this conflict are children

The Rhino’s Future in India
Understanding the genetic status of current rhino populations in India and Nepal will be crucial for the long-term survival of the species

Gadchiroli Adopts Drones and Thermal Cameras to Mitigate Human-Animal Conflict
Forest department turns to technology-oriented solutions to support the monitoring of animals and alert villages

Traditional Fishers Livelihood in Odisha Threatened by Illegal Fish Poisoning
Fishers in the riverine villages of Kendrapara district claim that poisoning of fishes to catch them easily has been a rampant illegal activity for over a decade

Sea Cucumbers: Illegal trade and the Blame Game
How a blanket ban on sea cucumber fishing in India has created an illicit trade and impacted the livelihoods of artisanal communities who have historically harvested them

Mizoram: An Emerging Hotspot for Wildlife Trafficking
468 species of exotic wildlife, including tortoises, snakes, beavers and a wild cat, were recently seized from Champhai in the Northeastern state

Safeguarding Mangrove Plantations in the Sundarbans
According to local residents and scientists, growing salt-tolerant grasses prior to planting propagules, having a layer of protection from the waves, and maintenance of fences are key to better survival rate of mangroves planted in erosion-prone areas

Imaginary Borders and Their Very Real Effects
International borders impact every species. What happens upstream to a river can affect river dolphins and other creatures even hundreds of kilometres downstream. Convincing reasons to think of conservation of our shared biological heritage beyond political boundaries

Decoding Dugong Days in Indian Waters
Though the dugong has become locally extinct in many areas, there is hope. It is considered a priority species for conservation, and efforts to save it are on across international borders.

Big Cat of the Estate: Leopards in Shared Spaces
Learning to coexist with leopards in the tea plantations of northern West Bengal

Untreated Legacy Waste is Harming Deepor Beel Wetland
Research shows substantial contamination of the lake in Assam due to unscientific dumping of municipal solid waste next to it

Communities and Authorities Clash at Namdapha as Deforestation Escalates
Park authorities consider the Yobin community to be main drivers of deforestation and poaching in the national park

Gangetic River Dolphin Numbers Decline in Assam
The mammals are threatened by construction of dams and mechanised sand mining along rivers

Woolly-necked Storks Thriving in Haryana
Despite a fragile relationship with farmlands, the birds are breeding in densely populated villages and towns that are heavily dependent on agriculture

Fall of the House of Vultures (And How We Can Stop It)
Vultures provide priceless ecosystem services by cleaning the environment. Only real changes in the use of vulture-toxic veterinary drugs can help them and the captive-breeding programmes trying to revive their decimated populations

Olive Ridley Turtles Threatened by Upcoming Port in Karnataka
An upcoming port and the corresponding road and railway network could destroy a turtle nesting region in Honnavar in Uttara Kannada district

Whale Shark Strandings Increase Along Andhra Pradesh Coast
Pressure from infrastructure development, transport and fishing are pushing the sharks to venture into territories where they have not been documented before

Turbines Taking the Wind Out of Wildlife’s Sails
According to a study from central Karnataka, birds and mammals fare well in areas without wind turbines over wind turbine sites

Back From the Brink: The Rhinos of Jaldapara
Thanks to a slew of conservation measures taken over the years, rhino numbers have increased dramatically since the 1980s, and the “gondar” takes centerstage at this national park in West Bengal

Supercyclones and Extreme Floods: A Not So Bright Future
According to a recent study, supercyclones such as Amphan are likely to expose a higher population in South Asia to extreme flooding in the future

A Lemon a Day Keeps the Elephant Away
Lemon tree fences help farmers in Assam safeguard their crops and homes from elephants

Fading Glow of Maharashtra’s Firefly Festivals
Environmentalists oppose such festivals, citing harm to fireflies during the mating season and disruption of the habitat

How to Conserve Biodiversity as Wind Farms Expand in Tamil Nadu
Migratory raptors, such as harriers, are avoiding areas dominated by wind farms in Tamil Nadu, indicate initial observations

Monitoring Vultures in Madhya Pradesh’s Panna Tiger Reserve
Around 25 vultures in Panna Tiger Reserve, including the critically endangered Indian vulture, have been geotagged for monitoring the species’ behaviour

Caracal in Crisis: From a Life among Royals, to Fighting for Survival
Till 2001, the caracal was seen in 13 Indian states but now it is reported in only three states in India with two viable populations in Rajasthan and Gujarat

Kutch: From Bird Paradise to Death Trap?
Thousands of birds are estimated to be dying in Kutch due to collisions with power lines. The lines also threaten the critically endangered Great Indian Bustard

Beyond Borders: Tiger Movement Between India and Nepal Increasingly Restricted
Big cats don’t recognise political boundaries, and have always roamed across borders. Yet, this behaviour is under threat as key corridors are restricted by infrastructure projects

In Assam, Pesticide Poisoning Targeting Stray Dogs Kills Over 100 Vultures
On March 17, carcasses of 100 Himalayan griffon vultures and one steppe eagle were found in Chaygaon, Assam

Resettlement Stories: Losing a Home to a Tiger Reserve
About a decade ago, people from six villages in Chhattisgarh were resettled from the area where the Achanakmar Tiger Reserve now lies. The people reminisce about their lost home

More Studies Needed on India's Sharks and Rays
Experts recommend future studies on regional species stock assessments, critical habitats and socioeconomic drivers of fisheries

Sippighat Wetland: A Bird Haven Created by the Tsunami
A number of wetlands emerged after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami battered the coasts of the Andamans. They are now home to resident and migratory waterbirds — including the vulnerable and endemic Andaman teal

Protecting Deepor Beel’s Elephants from Train Collisons
In Assam’s Deepor Beel Wildlife Sanctuary, a joint effort between local volunteers and forest officials is protecting elephants from train hits

All That is Green is Not Forest
Experts dispute claim of an increase in India’s forest cover, noting that latest report counts plantations as forests

Counting Wolves Through Their Calls
Identifying individual wolves by their howls is being studied as a potential technique for counting wolf population

Leopard Gecko: Trapped in Trade and Labs
Little is known about these geckos from the Eublepharidae family that are popular in pet trade and as model organisms in laboratories

190 Dolphins Recorded in Mahananda Face Survival Challenges
Fishing, unregulated sand mining, pollution, solid waste dumping and construction of embankments for flood control have negatively impacted Mahananda ecology and the survival of dolphins and other riverine species

Malabar Grey Hornbill’s Population on the Decline in Western Ghats
Conservationists say a drop in numbers could have an irreversible impact on the forest ecosystem in the long term, as the species plays an important role in the growth and survival of a forest.

Struggle for the Land: Nicobar Long-tailed Macaques in a Bind
The habitat of this fruit-loving primate has changed on Great Nicobar. How can they carve out a life of coexistence with humans on this isolated island?

From Poachers to Protectors in Birding Hotspot Mangalajodi
In Odisha’s Mangalajodi, a community of former poachers is now committed to protecting the wetland ecosystem and its winged inhabitants

New Conservation Reserve Offers Glimmer of Hope for Dugongs
The biodiversity-rich waters of the reserve in the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay is the most significant surviving natural habitat for dugongs globally

Smugglers Using Government Scheme as a Tool for Exotic Wildlife Trade
Exotic animals are not listed under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, which makes it difficult to convict the smugglers

Unchecked Tree Planting in Grasslands Threatens Native Biodiversity, Warns Ecologist
Tree planting efforts in savannah grasslands can harm biodiversity and affect soil carbon storage, says field ecologist Mahesh Sankaran

So Long, and Thanks for All the Plastic
Why are sea creatures from tiny zooplankton to the great whales devouring plastics at such alarmingly high rates?

Trouble in Paradise: The Changing World of the Nicobar Megapode
Endemic to the Nicobar group of islands, this ground-dwelling bird that barely survived a devastating tsunami now faces multiple threats to its existence

Disturbed by Mining, Chattisgarh’s Elephants Move to Gadchiroli
Herd migrates to forests of the neighbouring state of Maharashtra attracted by good quality food and adequate water

Coal Mining Hazard Looms Over Hasdeo Arand
Allowing mining in part of these pristine forests will open entire area for excavation, warn activists

Addressing the Human-wildlife Conflict Challenge
Can proactive measures and a multipronged approach avert or reduce conflict between human beings and animals?

Canopy Bridge Comes to Gibbons’ Rescue
Tree-planting efforts initiated in 2006 to reunite the apes separated by a railway line in Hoollongapar bear fruit

Over-exploitation of Groundwater Threatens Gondwana Fishes
Groundwater management and aquifer protection key to conserving subterranean fish found in the Western Ghats

Friends in Low Places: Connecting with the Ocean
If we can build a healthy curiosity and sense of wonder about the ocean, we’ve taken the critical first step to further its conservation

Gone Rogue: The Golden Shower Turns Invasive in the Western Ghats
Don’t let the pretty blossoms fool you. The golden shower is a vigorously proliferating invasive species that has become a serious threat to critical wildlife habitats in the Western Ghats

Fishy Quandary: A Nexus of Livelihoods and Native Fish
Without healthy freshwater ecosystems, there is neither hope for indigenous fish species nor humankind

Future in Jeopardy: The Wild Water Buffalo in Assam
According to conservationists, it is habitat loss and not the practice of interbreeding with domestic buffaloes that has affected the population of the Asiatic buffalo

Troubled Waters: Alien Plants and Water Stress in the Nilgiris
The unseen impact of exotic invasive plants on the ecology and water security of the Upper Bhavani region of the Nilgiris

Securing the Fishing Cat's Future in the Chilika Lagoon
Appointing the fishing cat as the ambassador of Chilika has drawn critical attention to this important wetland ecosystem that plays a major role in the survival of this wild feline

More Extreme Weather Events Likely in India, Says IPCC Report
Over the next 20 years, global temperature is expected to exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming, leading to extreme events

Can Feeding Wild Elephants Paddy Reduce Human-Wildlife Conflict?
The Chhattisgarh state government is trying to feed its surplus paddy to elephants in the hope that it will prevent them from coming into villages in search of food. Experts weigh in on the wisdom of this strategy

Clear and Present Danger: Managing Free-ranging Dogs
The current rules and laws governing the control of free-ranging dogs don’t go far enough to mitigate wildlife deaths and injuries they cause

Chirgaon Leads the Way in Vulture Conservation
Vulture population in village in Maharashtra rises from 22 in 1999-2000 to 249 in 2021

Removal of Invasive Prosopis May Affect Livelihoods in Banni Grasslands, Says Study
Scientists suggest that the landscape can be temporarily maintained as a mosaic of native grassland and invasive trees

Another Veterinary Drug Endangers India's Vultures
Study urges for ban on widely-used painkiller nimesulide, which exerts toxic effects on vultures

Accidental Capture by Fishers Claims Millions of Seahorses
An estimated 13 million seahorses were caught annually as bycatch in India between 2015 and 2017

Invasive Red-eared Slider Poses Threat to Native Freshwater Turtles
Unaware pet owners and weak laws enable multiplication of the exotic turtle that harms local biodiversity

Red Panda: Vanishing Flame of the Himalayas
With barely 300 left in the forests of Sikkim in India and just 10,000 worldwide, conservation of the red panda through research, education, and communication is critical

Leatherback Sea Turtles: Giants of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Recent monitoring and scientific data from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands on these remarkable reptiles give us hope and must deepen our resolve to continue to protect this very critical habitat

The Conservation Paradox: Missing the Meadows for the Green Turtles
Seagrass ecosystems support marine organisms which use the meadows as foraging and breeding habitats. Green sea turtles have depleted some of these habitats, creating a conservation dilemma

Gharials Lose Nesting Sites at Katerniaghat
Growth of vegetation along the banks of the Girwa River has adversely affected the nesting of gharials

Alien Fish Proliferate as Extreme Climate Events Rise
According to a study, floods trigger escape of exotic and invasive species that harm local ecosystems

Sindhudurg’s Cashew Nut Plantations Offer Refuge to Wild Mammals
Sambar, porcupine, boar, gaur, hare, mongoose, leopard, and civets among the animals recorded in a study

Poaching Threatens Asiatic Black Bear in Arunachal Pradesh
Bears outside protected areas in the state targeted to meet the demands of the transnational wildlife trade

Economy or Ecology? Eucalyptus Plantations in Coastal Andhra Raises Concern
Farmers in Vizianagaram district turn to ‘controversial’ water guzzling crop as they struggle with water scarcity and groundwater salinity

The Vanishing Grasslands and Wetlands of India
Grasslands and wetlands are neglected and underappreciated habitats though they support many lives and livelihoods. Both community- and administration-led efforts are required to stop their loss

How Goa is Emerging as the New Shark-Eating Destination
As Goa gears up for tourists post-pandemic, restaurants are promoting their food on social media, and shark meat preparations are the most popular among them

Last Stand: The Kolar Leaf-nosed Bat and its Forgotten Cave
A citizen scientist strives to protect the only known habitat of a rare, critically endangered species of bat in Karnataka

Brahmaputra’s River Islands Threatened by Burning and Clearing of Grasslands
Experts suggest these grassland habitats for many endangered birds need legal protection

Choosing Between Elephants and Humans in the Nilgiris
The implementation of the Sigur Elephant Corridor connecting the Eastern and Western Ghats faces opposition from human rights activists

Including Local Community in Protecting Forests Costs Less than Excluding them: Report
Resettling forest dwellers outside forests costs nearly as much as one-fourth of India’s annual gross domestic product, according to the report.

Disappearing Predators: Wolves of the Deccan
Indian grey wolves have a long history of living in human-dominated landscapes, but their survival is now challenged by the rapid, unsustainable change taking place in these traditional habitats

Gulf of Mannar’s Corals Endangered by Marine Debris
Abandoned nets, plastic fish traps, ropes and lines make corals susceptible to injury, fragmentation, and disease, say researchers

Mount Abu’s Sloth Bears Tread on Thin Line
An eco-sensitive zone around the sanctuary with some stretches only 100 metres wide is inadequate, say wildlife experts

Migrating Mangroves: Why Sundarbans’ Coast Guards Are Moving
Certain species of mangroves have started growing as far as over 180 kilometres away from the Sundarbans forest — some have even been spotted near Kolkata

Gaur Shift Out of Forest Homes
Herds increasingly frequenting farms near forests in Coonoor, Kotagiri and Kodagu districts of south India

Winds of Change: New Strategies to Combat Human-Elephant Conflict
State forest departments of Odisha and Chattisgarh are working with local communities to mitigate conflict by using seed balls, drones and alarm machines

In Deep Waters: The Conservation Saga of the Ganges River Dolphin
Conservation of the Ganges river dolphin will not just protect the species, but secure the future of our largest river systems

Lesser Florican: Hope in Rajasthan, but on the Brink in Madhya Pradesh
While lesser floricans are learning to live with farmers in Shokaliya, Rajasthan, their numbers continue to plummet in the central Indian state

Gujarat’s Wildlife Habitats Call for Protection
Rare and unique wildlife found in the state’s vast stretches of grasslands, salt marshes, scrub forests and coastline need immediate conservation attention

Magical Mollem: The Fight to Save Goa’s Largest Wildlife Sanctuary
Bhagwan Mahaveer Sanctuary, the state’s largest protected area is under threat from three infrastructure projects. Luckily, there’s a youth-led citizen's movement taking up cudgels to save it

Tamil Nadu to Investigate Cause of Mysterious Elephant Deaths
Poisoning and disease emerge as prime suspects for the deaths of elephants in the state's forests in the last seven months

Missed Connections: How Disconnected Forests Threaten the Grizzled Giant Squirrel
Continuous forests, with connected canopies, are essential for the tree-dwelling species to travel for food, shelter and survival

Otters Slipping Away Outside Protected Areas
India's otters are becoming increasingly rare, especially in the Himalayan region, as hydropower projects, sand mining and boulder collection ravage their habitats

Fighting a Race Against Extinction: India’s Only Pitcher Plant
Mining, shifting cultivation, and excessive collection threaten Nepenthes khasiana, an insect-eating plant found predominantly in Meghalaya

Sea Cucumbers: Countering the Illegal Trade
Lakshadweep unveils the world’s first sea cucumber reserve, drawing attention to this overexploited marine invertebrate

Ganges Shark: The One True River Shark of India
Under-researched and critically endangered, the Ganges shark is extremely susceptible to extinction

Learning to Coexist with Elephants
Positive stories that talk of shared spaces, respect for the gentle giants, and acceptance of their presence can lead the way forward

Cross Connections: Time to Rethink Human-Wildlife Conflict
From conflict to interaction – calling for a nuanced understanding of human-wildlife encounters

How to Build a Whale Skeleton from Scratch
While researchers try to understand why whales get beached, a scientist constructs a 32-ft skeleton from the remains of stranded blue whales to build a case for the big, friendly giants

Monitor Lizards: Unsung Dragons of the Indian Subcontinent
Though monitor lizards are routinely captured for meat and body parts, basic ecological and behavioural information on these large reptiles is lacking

Tribal Districts in Odisha Lead the Way in Coexistence with Environment
A culture of conserving nature among indigenous communites in Rayagada and Koraput spell hope in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

Shadow in the Swamp: The Aberrant Tiger of Sundarbans
The Sundarbans tiger is unlike its counterpart on the mainland — it drinks saline water, is an expert long-distance swimmer, and hunts with as much finesse in tidal currents as it does on land

Death Knell for the Sharavathi?
Environmentalists fear a new hydropower project in the heart of the Sharavathi valley that demands diversion of 360 acres of pristine forest land would spell doom to the valley

Lessons in Citizen Science and Community Stewardship in Latpanchar
Creating a safe haven for the rufous-necked hornbill and its habitat has brought socio-economic rewards to this little hamlet in West Bengal

Lives in the Balance: Unravelling Koppal’s Shared Spaces
The rocky outcrops and grasslands of Koppal are under threat causing a decline of large carnivore populations and disrupting human-wildlife coexistence

Nest Protectors Hope to Secure the Indian Skimmer’s Future
In an upcoming initiative, researchers, forest departments and locals have come together to implement a community conservation programme to protect the vulnerable Indian skimmer

Garnering Community Support for the Great Indian Bustard
A wildlife biologist couple spearhead an effort to involve the local community in conserving Rajasthan’s state bird, the Godawan

A Flood and a Forest: When Brahma’s Son Engulfs Kaziranga
As Kaziranga National Park goes through another cycle of its annual floods, here’s a look at what it means for those on the frontlines

Fish Workers Critical to Saving Dugongs and Their Seagrass Habitat
India is reaching out to coastal communities through awareness programmes and incentives to protect both the endangered dugongs and their habitat

Cheaper Modes to Transport Coal are Environmental Threats
India’s coal and shipping ministries have been encouraging the use of water and air for coal transport despite dangers posed to environment, livelihoods and human life

Ecotourism, and the Olive Ridley Turtles of Dapoli
In coastal Maharashtra, conservationists navigate the impacts of beach-loving travellers on this vulnerable reptile

Art for Dehing Patkai: Amazon of the East
In April 2O2O, the National Board for Wildlife permitted coal mining in parts of Assam’s Dehing-Patkai Elephant Reserve, sparking off a student-led online campaign to save the forest

Natural Habitats Under Attack: Conservation of Elephants and other Animals
In the righteous cacophony surrounding the death of an elephant by a bomb concealed in a pineapple, the real, urgent issues that elephants and other wildlife face remain buried

Saving One of the Largest and Rarest Turtles from Extinction
A researcher is collecting data and building networks among communities in Kerala to work towards the conservation of Cantor’s giant softshell turtle

Spotted! A Leopard on the Prowl
Without timely conservation measures, the enigmatic <em>Panthera pardus</em> might end up in greater conflict with humans

Rhododendrons: Superflowers of the Himalayas
Ingenious ways in which the rhododendrons of Sikkim engage with their habitats and pollinators

Deep Wells of Danger: Karnataka’s Leopards in Peril
A study finds that between 2OO8 and 2O17, Karnataka witnessed 7O instances of leopards falling into open wells

How Protecting Small Forest Patches Can Make a Big Difference
Connecting smaller protected forests to larger ones can ensure movement of animals so that there is an exchange of genetic material, which will ensure long term sustainability of the populations

Vembanad Lake: A Chance of Revival for the Dying Lake
India’s Supreme Court rescues the second largest wetland in the country, Vembanad lake and the livelihoods who depend on it, by ordering razing of illegal construction and hotels along the shores

An Inconvenient Truth: Tiger Conservation Beyond Protected Areas
India has over 75 per cent of the world population of Panthera tigris, but are we doing enough for the species?

Amphan Aftermath: A Resilient Mangrove Forest Struggles to Survive
The deadly cyclone is a reminder that the Sundarbans is at great risk, and needs conservation efforts that go beyond political borders

The New Tribe of Warriors of Ranthambore Tiger Reserve
The forests around the Ranthambore fort were once the private hunting grounds of the kings, but recently they have been witnessing a new tribe of warriors – a local NGO has built a network of volunteers that track and protect the forests wild animals

Bringing Freshwater Turtles out of their Shells and into the Spotlight
With more than 50 per cent of freshwater turtles threatened with extinction, Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises of India, a collective, is drawing attention to these lesser studied species

It’s Complicated: Bats as the Most Vilified Creatures of the Night
Known to play a very significant role in maintaining our ecosystem, bats are now demonised and dreaded as carriers of deadly diseases. Virologists studying viruses, and chiropterologists who are bat researchers, disagree on how the pathogens they harbour have spilled over to humans

Crackdown on Illegal Wildlife Trade Could Prevent the Next Pandemic
Investigations show that meat of protected turtle species is sold in several markets in India. Such ‘wet markets’ present an acute health hazard and need to be looked into urgently in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic

Unregulated Leopard Tourism Worries Conservationists
Private leopard safaris around the periphery of protected areas with claims of “guaranteed sightings” causes concern

Dhangars of Saswad: How Traditional Livelihoods Conserve Unique Ecosystems
Climate change and infrastructure projects are threatening the traditional pastoral occupations that have helped preserve the grasslands of Saswad for centuries

On the Edge: Saga of the Great Indian Bustard
Less than 15O individuals survive in the wild, but despite several conservation efforts, their troubles are far from over. Will the great Indian bustard become the modern-day dodo?

Writing On the Wall: Heed the Message from this Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into sharp focus the close link between habitat and biodiversity loss and an increase in the eruption of zoonotic diseases. India needs to arrest this environmental downslide now

Stepping Stones to Tiger Security: The Need for Inclusive Conservation Models
Making a case for unlocking the true potential of India’s tiger conservation capacity in a manner that brings development to local communities and an increase in biodiversity

Life of Corals: Witnessing an Ecosystem in Collapse
As oceans warm up the symbiotic relationship between corals and microscopic algae breaks down. Corals get bleached, making them susceptible to disease and eventually leading to the death of reef ecosystems

Guardians of the Sundari: Reviving the Mangroves in the Sundarbans
A group of women lead the way in efforts to bring the endangered Sundari tree back from the brink in their villages

Turning the Tide: The Batagur Baska and the Race Against Extinction
How a conservationist and his team in the Sundarbans brought the batagur, one of the most endangered turtle species in the world, back from the brink

Problem Elephant or Elephantine Problem?
The words we use to label animals involved in human-animal conflict situations can make a big difference to their conservation status

Treasure or Trash? When Unwanted Fish Sustain Livelihoods
The tussle, between the conservation of natural resources and ecosystems and people’s incomes, extends well beyond overfishing the most coveted varieties of fish from the sea

The Fishing Cat in Laxmi’s Backyard
A study of the biodiversity of the Godavari delta offers a glimpse into the conservation status of the wetland dependant fishing cat that lives in the mangroves and swamps of this coastal region of Andhra Pradesh

Can the Quick Red Fox Jump Over the Ladakhi Dog?
In the Changthang Plateau of Ladakh, conflict between red foxes and packs of free-ranging dogs intensifies

Challenge and Change in the Changthang
In this remote, high-altitude plateau of Ladakh, inhabited by Changpa nomads, a worrying transformation of habitat, climate, and lifestyle is under way

Crisis in Kodagu: Can Humans and Elephants co-exist?
Kodagu’s people live in constant fear of elephant encounters, but strengthening wildlife corridors and educating locals can mitigate the situation. This is the second story in a two-part series on human-elephant interactions in Kodagu

Crisis in Kodagu: Reports from the Epicentre of Human-Elephant Conflict
Escalating human-elephant clashes in Kodagu are causing economic loss, and endangering lives of both, man and animal. This is the first story in a two-part series on human-elephant interactions in Kodagu

Cut that Call: Ethics and Misuse of Artificial Birdcalls
Is a bird in hand really better than two in the bush? Understanding the impact of our actions while birdwatching is an essential part of being an eco-tourist

How a Colonial Hunter Inspired Conservation Efforts
Though India-born British hunter Kenneth Anderson’s books are about his hunting exploits, they also discuss the importance of conservation and upholding the rights of the forest dwelling communities

Pushed to The Edge: Lion-tailed Macaques and the Case of Disappearing Forests
Destruction of forests is pushing a growing population of the shy lion-tailed macaques to look for food in human settlements

How Village Folklore Helps Conserve the Ibex of Pin Valley
In the remote villages of Spiti Valley, people and nature are bound together by instinct and tradition

Conflict and Coexistence: Leopards and the Residents of Valparai
How leopards adapt to human presence and communities learn to live in close proximity to the big cat, in the Anaimalai Hills of Tamil Nadu

How the Bugun Liocichla is Keeping an Indigenous Culture in the Northeast Alive
Tales of culture and conservation, from the West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh

Is the Lesser Florican Jumping to Extinction?
The smallest member of the bustard family faces a peculiar conundrum: breed or be safe?

Gone Too Soon: A Tale of the Central Himalayan Langurs of Uttarakhand
Is there a way out of the human-langur conflict in the Garhwal Himalayas?

Brooding over the Black-Necked Crane
Encounters and observations of the splendid black-necked cranes at high altitude wetlands

Trash is on the Menu for the Critically Endangered Greater Adjutant
Guwahati needs to address the larger issue of waste management if this carrion-feeding bird species is to have a future

In a Tight Corner: The Dwindling Elephant Herds of Assam
Massive habitat loss has pushed the elephants of Assam into fierce competition with humans over ever-shrinking resources

Dogs on the Rooftop: Faithful Friends or Fierce Predators?
A dramatic increase in the number of livestock and wildlife being attacked by free-ranging dogs is having an adverse effect on the fragile landscape of the cold desert of Spiti

Small-clawed Otter: The Secret Surprise by the Stream
Our lives are implicitly intertwined with this shy, mostly nocturnal creature. The destruction of its riverine habitat could spell danger for an entire ecosystem

In the Pink: Health and Herding in the Himalayas
Fostering human-wildlife coexistence in the high mountains. Can disease-free pastoral herds translate to healthy wildlife populations?

‘Why is the climate changing like this?’
Coffee and pepper farmers in Wayanad, Kerala, are reeling under losses caused by a rise in temperatures and erratic rainfall in a district whose residents once boasted of its ‘air-conditioned climate’

Will Agumbe Remain One of Wettest Places in India?
Traditionally stable weather systems have changed and the rainfall pattern in Agumbe has become erratic — the effect of both global and local factors

High and Dry: The Cauvery’s Otters Need Their River Back
A polluted vestige of its former self, the over-exploited Cauvery River has left otters, fishermen, and other many river residents bereft

Restoring the Rainforest around Pakke, One Tree at a Time
A drive to revive degraded patches of hornbill habitat around Pakke Tiger Reserve aims to give hornbills more nesting trees and food plants, that benefit other species too

Out of Place: Invasive Species in the Western Ghats
When plants and animals are relocated from their native habitat to new sites and environments they can cause havoc and be detrimental to local communities, habitats, and wildlife.

Securing the Future of the Eastern Swamp Deer in Assam
Through a massive coordinated effort of numerous wildlife conservationists, scientists, and local experts, the population of eastern swamp deer in Manas National Park has been revived

The Guest in My Paddy Field: The Return of the Sarus Crane
The population of the sarus crane has registered a growth in Uttar Pradesh, thanks to the efforts of local communities, state government and non-profit organisations

Perhaps We Made the Mountain God Angry
Nomadic Changpa pastoralists at the high grazing grounds of Ladakh find their yak-related economy in a crisis that is driven by major climatic shifts in their fragile mountainous ecosystems

Not Wastelands: Non-forest Habitats of the Western Ghats
Climate change and habitat mismanagement threaten the unique and ecologically distinct montane grasslands, high-elevation swamps and rocky outcrops of the Western Ghats

Saving the Hoolock Gibbon’s Song
In several gibbon habitats, resident communities are leading conservation efforts that are informed by local circumstances and practices

Smooth-Coated Otter: The Unexpected Visitor in Goa’s Mangroves
Otters living in the highly modified mangroves and reclaimed lands on the coast of Goa offer new insights otter behaviour and inform future conservation efforts

Buffaloed by the Climate in Kolhapur
Human-wildlife conflict is escalating in Radhanagari, Kolhapur, where the gaur buffalo are raiding nearby farms. This is spurred by deforestation, cropping changes, drought and fluctuating weather patterns

With its Habitat in Danger, the Grizzled Giant Squirrel Struggles to Survive
A survey in Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary reveals that the population of grizzled giant squirrel, a species endemic to southern India and Sri Lanka, has fallen by 78-85 per cent

Hoolock Gibbons: Return of the Apes of Northeast India
Multilevel action plans that closely involve and benefit local communities are the only way forward to save the endangered gibbons of India

Secret Serpent: The Life and Times of the Malabar Pit Viper
Though it is the most common and widespread of pit vipers in south India, the Malabar pit viper is only seen in the wet season, disappearing mysteriously in dry weather

Flight of the Magnificent Hornbills
Two decades of research on hornbills and working with local communities to protect these gorgeous birds and their habitat

Global Insect Apocalypse: Why India Must Worry
According to scientists, 4O per cent of insect species are likely to become extinct globally in the coming years

Pygmy hog: Back from the Brink
Conservation efforts have elevated numbers of the elusive and rare pygmy hog, a tiny, shy wild pig from Northeast India

Where Wildlife gets a Second Chance
Located on a critical elephant corridor near Kaziranga National Park, the Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation has rescued over 3,OOO animals, including 22 endangered species

The Women Who Walk with Rhinos
Most national parks block access to protected forests, affecting the lives of those who depend on it for resources and livelihood. But in Manas and Orang, authorities allow local women to collect fallen twigs and branches in buffer zones, securing their livelihoods, and building empathy for the wild

Offtrack in Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary
The colonial-era Meleng Railway line cuts through this sanctuary in Assam, threatening the wildlife within

Rethinking Hunting in Northeast India
When you hear the words ‘hunting’ and ‘Northeast India’, you probably imagine gory images of dead animals and birds being sold openly in markets and roadsides. But what really is the story behind these images, and how did we get here?

Rhinos Without Borders
The conservation story of the rhino has been a happy one. However, collective action by rhino-range countries is critical to the future growth and survival of the one-horned giant

Saving the Lion-Tailed Macaque, One Step at a Time
Curtailed to live in the tiny forest fragment of Puthuthottam in Valparai, the lion-tailed macaque needs all the help it can get

Cornered but not Defeated
Sustained conservation efforts and community engagement is critical to save the lion-tailed macaque and its disappearing habitat

An Appeal to Tourists: Stop Feeding the Nilgiri Tahr
It’s time to raise the consciousness of tourists driving on highways that run through forests