Photo Stories
Visual narratives of India’s biodiversity
217 Photo Stories

Uncontest 2024: A World of Waste
A wild landscape sans trash is almost impossible to come across today, as this collaborative photo story illustrates

Under the Pale Moonlight: The Nightlife of Lakshadweep’s Reefs
When the sun sets, a new marine world arises. Corals come alive. Nocturnal crustaceans like crabs and cowries come out of their crevices to look for food. The sound of snapping shrimp escalates. Marine predators emerge, using the cover of darkness to hunt

Hanle: The Marshy Paradise of Ladakh
A wetland of national and global importance and a key biodiversity area, the Hanle marshes and the wildlife that it nurtures need urgent protection from land-use changes

Feathers on the Road: Highway Birding and Other Adventures
National Highway 13 is part of the highway network that runs across Arunachal Pradesh, through dense forests and along teal rivers to reach snow-covered mountains — every bend and corner explodes with bird diversity

Mating Anurans: Stories of Procreation from the Sahyadris
Short accounts of some of the reproduction strategies of frogs and toads of the Western Ghats

Spot Me If You Can: Mimicry and Camouflage in Insects
Some insects have evolved to blend in with their surroundings; some mimic other insects by adopting their shapes, colours, and behaviours. These are survival strategies that allow them to avoid being detected by predators or prey and deceive their rivals

Tortoise Beetles: From Tutus Made of Poop to Crystalline Lattice Coats
Tortoise beetles are a striking example of how a tiny insect packs a big bag of variable optical tricks and adaptations for predator evasion from the larval stage to adulthood. Their bejewelled looks, with myriad glittering patterns, have entranced many entomologists

In a Twitter about Thattekad Bird Sanctuary
A 25-sq-km bird sanctuary in Kerala is an avian paradise for birders

Colours of the Sea: A Light Show Under the Waves
From rainbow-like parrotfish to the blue-green sea and bioluminescence, all the colours in the marine environment are a play of light and pigments

Arboreal Actors: Tree Dwellers of Dehing Patkai
Uncovering the park’s secret residents, from magnificent hornbills to India’s only non-human ape, the hoolock gibbon
Nudibranchs: The Secret Colourful World of Sea Slugs
Some sea slugs camouflage and hide from predators, others are vibrantly coloured, warning predators they may be toxic (even if they are not), and still others absorb toxins from their food and store it, ready to dish out a nasty sting when required

Brown Hornbills: Seven Sisters of the High Canopy
The many joys of watching a brown hornbill hunting party feeding a breeding female ensconced in her nest cavity in Dehing Patkai National Park, Assam

The Art of Camera Trapping the Indian Brown Mongoose
Wildlife photographer and camera trap specialist Yashpal Rathore shares his experience documenting an elusive species of mongoose from the Western Ghats.

Neighbours and Friends: A Family and Other Animals
Leopards, small wild cats, and numerous other wildlife peacefully coexist with humans in the rural hamlet of Jawai in western Rajasthan

Crypsis Unmasked: Marine Masters of Disguise and Their Tools
Uncovering spectacular examples of how marine organisms disguise or hide by taking on various colours, textures, shapes, or debris to blend with their surroundings

Avian Percussionists: The Drumming Woodpeckers of Uttarakhand
With twenty woodpecker species, Uttarakhand stands out as one of the most woodpecker-diverse states in India. The Corbett-Rajaji landscape alone accounts for half of all woodpecker species in the country

Ground Beneath Our Feet: Micro-life on Wayanad’s Forest Floor
Wayanad’s forests are known for their elephants and big cats, but crouch down to the forest floor for an incredibly revealing and rewarding examination of myriad smaller life forms

Deadpool: The Dynamic Cuttlefish Mating System
Trickery, intelligence, aggression, camouflage, and bizarre physiology are all on full display when cuttlefish mate

Magnificent Murmuration: Aerial Acrobatics of Rosy Starlings
Flocks of rosy starlings gather and coalesce into a humungous shape-shifting cloud of up to a million birds in a phenomenon called “murmuration”

Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary: Climbing Upwards Through Forests, Alpine Meadows, Grasslands, and Glaciers
While much of the route to the Kedarnath Temple passes through the Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary and is frequented by pilgrims, a small proportion of visitors will find the journey more interesting than the destination

Water Monitor Lizard and its Many Defence Strategies
When confronted with potential danger, the water monitor’s first instinct is to flee. Nonetheless, these semiaquatic lizards are equipped with a solid set of defence strategies, enabling them to thrive in water and on land

Coming of Age Underwater: The Life Cycle of Dragonflies and Damselflies
These breathtaking beauties spend much of their lives underwater. When they become adults, they take wing, with their agile bodies and lightning-fast reflexes set to dominate the insect world

Tetraodontiform Fish and the Art of Self-Defence
These tropical marine fishes have evolved various defence strategies to protect themselves — ranging from having tough, leathery skin, spines, and horns to inflating their bodies and exuding toxins

Ascending Grace: The Egrets Of India
With long, thin necks, sharp bills and dainty legs, these graceful herons occur in almost every habitat type — from forests to agricultural fields, rocky coasts to rivers, wetlands and tidal creeks

A Fleeting Symphony: Grassland Birds of the Brahmaputra Plains
The unique constantly changing grassland ecosystem in the plains of Assam host some highly threatened and unique bird species

Munnar’s Monsoon Nightlife: The Bush Frog Story
The bush frogs of Munnar form a unique group with many endemic species facing threats to their existence

Moray Eels: Top Predators with an Arsenal of Defences
Moray eels are unique in appearance, breaking all fish stereotypes. They are apex predators of coral reefs, with unique adaptations that give them a survival advantage

The Enchanted Forest: The Love Language of Fireflies in Anamalai Tiger Reserve
For a few days each summer, the fireflies in Anamalai Tiger Reserve transform their forests into a magnificent bioluminescent world of shimmering choreographed lights

Malabar Pied Hornbill: From Forest to Fragments
An important seed disperser in deciduous forests, the Malabar pied hornbill has had to adapt and contend with the reality of dwindling natural habitats

Miniscule Marvels and their Microhabitats
In this collaborative photo essay from #TheUncontest, we combine images from across India to show various compact niches harbouring the tiniest of creatures. The natural world is truly unique in how it creates homes and spaces for all of life, in every shape and size

Fists of Fury: Predatory Prowess of the Praying Mantis
Master hunters with excellent camouflage, praying mantises are formidable insect predators. But in the circle of life, predators can also become prey

Grace and Elegance: Meet the Praying Mantis
Disarmingly bizarre, deft, and athletic, mantises come in a baffling variety of sizes, shapes, colours, and patterns

Bengal Fox: Vanishing Jewel of the Grassland
Threatened by habitat loss and diseases from domestic dogs, the Bengal fox is fighting a losing battle for survival

Four Fantastic Pheasants of Uttarakhand
Dazzled by encounters with the regal cheer, Himalayan monal, koklass pheasant, and kalij pheasants on a trip to Uttarakhand

Owling in Gujarat’s Dang
Twelve species of owls can be spotted with relative ease in this area of the northern Western Ghats, making owling incredibly popular with birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts

Action Packed Birding in Keoladeo National Park
While Bharatpur’s waterbodies are brimming with waterbirds, the variety of habitats, from woodlands to dry forests and savannas, reflects the great diversity of birds found there

Peering Inside a Pocillopora
In the coral paradise of Lakshadweep, four species of this branching coral stand out on the richly coloured reef. Look inside its branches, and you’ll see a mini ecosystem of invertebrates, fish, and algae

Bird Pollinators — Love in the Time of Ornithophily
Pollinating birds and the plants that rely on them have shaped each other over millennia, forming an evolutionary relationship that has lasted aeons

Odd Shape of You: Atypical Fish in the Ocean
Fish don’t always come in the “textbook” shape we associate with them. Their forms often deviate from the norm, and their uniqueness helps them survive and thrive

Taking the Sting Out of Paper Wasps
Wasps are master builders, artists, architects, engineers, hunters, nurturers, and pollinators, that play important ecological role in nature

The Curious Lives of Orchids in the Northern Western Ghats
The biodiverse Western Ghats are a storehouse of blooming wild orchids, especially in the monsoon

Life in a Seagrass Meadow
A large variety of sea creatures from dugongs and sea turtles to juvenile fish and microscopic life, rely on seagrass meadows to survive and thrive. The disappearance of these underwater habitats affects not just the creatures they host but also coastal fishing communities

Barren Island: India’s Lone Volcano and its Adjacent Underwater World
Underwater life around this desolate and actively volcanic island in the Andamans is colourful and diverse

Gods of Scavenging: Vultures of the Indian subcontinent
Nature’s most efficient scavengers once numbered in the millions. Now, four of the nine species found in India are critically endangered and face the risk of extinction

Seeing Small: The Micro Life of Mizoram’s Dampa Tiger Reserve
Known for its elusive cats and diverse birdlife, panning down to the forest floor in Dampa reveals little creatures doing big work that helps maintain the balance of a healthy ecosystem
The Small Service Providers of Goa’s Western Ghats
In the workings of a forest, even the smallest of creatures have a big role to play in supporting the ecosystem

Fringe Ecosystems: The Rhizophora Mangals
At the water’s edge, Rhizophora mangroves hold steady and strong in unpredictable tidal habitats. These mangals, present in every coastal state of India, shelter the shoreline and help create a vibrant and thriving ecosystem that benefits us all

Drop-Dead Gorgeous: Festoon of Grandalas in the Himalayas
In flight or at rest, flocks of grandalas are a joy to behold, thanks to the brilliant blue colouring of the males of the species

Tibetan Sand Fox: High-Altitude Hunter
Only discovered in India in 2005, these small, furry foxes are found in the high Himalayas, where they are well-adapted, live in dens, and mainly hunt pikas

Pseudoscorpions: Invisible Hunters
Although minuscule in size, these tenacious carnivores have some nifty tricks up their pincers, from hitchhiking on other creatures to injecting them with venom and holding them in a death grip

All that Fluff: Elusive Pallas’s Cats and Their Kittens
The Pallas’s cat is a magnificent yet rarely-seen high-altitude feline. To his delight, a wildlife photographer is able to spot this elusive creature near Hanle in Ladakh
Acroporid Affiliations in the Lagoons of Lakshadweep
Acroporid reefs are a threatened ecosystem that host a multitude of species, each part of a complex web of interactions

Bengal Monitor: Armoured Carnivores of Asia
Bengal monitors are as mighty and tenacious as they look, surviving and thriving in various habitats, including bustling urban spaces

Small Fish: Thumbelinas of the Sea
Peek into the world of tiny fish and their short, challenging lives packed with colour, diversity, and extraordinary behaviour

Guardians of the Garuda: Greater Adjutants and the Villagers of Bhagalpur
How local villagers, a conservationist, and the forest department turned around the population of an endangered bird in an unlikely area of Bihar

Olive Ridleys: When One in a Thousand Survives
The life of an olive ridley sea turtle is fraught with peril. Even before they hatch, they face predators. Once hatchlings emerge, they continue to encounter a never-ending series of human-created dangers and natural obstacles

Hangul: Kashmir’s Pride, Headed Towards Extinction
Shy, elusive, and critically endangered, the only population of the Kashmir red deer is found on a small patch of protected land in Jammu and Kashmir’s Dachigam National Park

Unsung Guardians: The Vital Wetlands of Kolkata
The wetlands that surround Kolkata support great biodiversity and provide it with numerous ecological benefits (including acting as an organic sewage treatment plant for the city’s wastewater)

Insect Pollinators: Matchmakers of the Plant World
Roughly 80 per cent of all flowering plants need the help of animals to reproduce. Tiny pollinators like bees, beetles, butterflies, and flies ensure that flowering plants continue their lifecycle

Bamboo Fishing Traps: Keeping Forest Streams Alive
As forest-dependent communities transition towards more contemporary ways of living, the phasing out of age-old, sustainable fishing practices destroys the once wild forest streams of the Andaman Islands

Pit Vipers of Northeast India
Of all the incredible reptiles found in Arunachal Pradesh’s Talle Wildlife Sanctuary, pit vipers are some of the most intriguing

Dune Dinos: Laungwala Toad-headed Agama of the Thar Desert
With thick skin, a heavily scaled body, and perfect camouflage, this lizard is well adapted to living in one of the harshest environments in the world

Fathomless Fungi: Monsoon Mysteries on Goa’s Forest Floor
We know so little about fungi that practically the entire fungi kingdom and its sophisticated network-based intelligence eludes us. All we can do is revel in what we can see and comprehend

Dynamic Dholes: The Power of the Pack
Despite their small size, Asiatic wild dogs reign as apex predators of some forested habitats in India. Their secret is their adaptation to group living and hunting. But with so many threats looming over this wild canid, how long can it survive?

Evading Predators: Lessons from Under the Sea
Disguises, poison strikes, impersonation, or just lying low — marine creatures adopt a great variety of tactics to stave off attacks and survive dangers in the deep blue seas

Tibetan Wolves: Long-ranging Drifters of the Changthang
Tibetan wolves are one of the top predators of the high Himalayas in Ladakh. Unfortunately, they have long been persecuted and considered a bad omen

Shared Spaces: Life Within Blurred Lines
In this collaborative photo essay that emerged from #TheUncontest, we bring together images from across India to tell a compelling tale of the importance of the overlapping spaces that humans and nature share

Under Wraps: Mammals of Singalila
Renowned for its rich birdlife, this high-altitude national park in West Bengal harbours an astonishing array of mammals as well

Under the Euphorbia: The Secret Lives of Asiatic Wildcats
A breeding family of Asiatic wildcats make their den below the branches of a thorny Euphorbia bush in a community-conserved sacred grove near Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

Upcycled Homes: Stories of Nature Reusing Human Trash
From spiders in garbage cans to weaver ants in beer bottles, resourceful little creatures find clever ways of reusing materials humans have discarded

Tragopans: The Horned Pheasants of India
Vibrant and colourful though they are, four species of this group of elusive birds manage to hide in the mountainous forests of the Indian Himalayas

Let the River Run: Smooth-coated Otters on the Cauvery
The largest of the otter species in India have adapted to drastic changes to river habitats but are being taken to the edge as they face continuous threats to their survival

Swaying in Silence: The Hypnotic Beauty of Sea Anemones
Can you believe that these gorgeous tentacles in gentle, soothing motion are actually lined with venom? Or that anemones are predators with a healthy appetite for plankton, other invertebrates, and even fish?

It Takes a Village to Raise a Child: Social Life of the Striped Hyena
The striped hyena mostly lives a solitary life until a female gives birth to cubs. Then, a clan gathers around to raise them

Shrimp Showcase: Much More Than Small Fry
Tiny creatures they may be, but shrimps play a prominent role in the marine community — as cleaners, partners, and companions

Pincers and Claws: Crabs of the Konkan Coast
An incredible variety of crabs, ranging from tiny pea crabs to massive mud crabs, inhabit the diverse habitats of India’s Konkan coast

Encounters with the Red Panda, the Elusive Bear-Cat of the Himalayas
Nestled in the oak and bamboo forests of the Eastern Himalayas, red pandas are an enigmatic and resilient species

Little Grebe: Little-known Creature of the Wetlands
Often mistaken for a duck, the smallest of the grebes is a fascinating waterbird that has a dance-like courting display and a floating nest

The Fish That Quit Horsing Around
Having evolved 25 million years ago, seahorses are unparalleled in their body structure, behaviour and ecology

Cyana Moths: The Case of the Curious Cocoon
The uncommon survival strategies of these lichen-feeding moths include developing a fascinating cage-like cocoon for metamorphosis

The Cooperative Nesting Society of Painted Storks
Wetland waders, these birds are big on communal living, especially around breeding time, when they gather in large groups of several hundred

The Host Killer: Death by Parasitoid Wasp
These tiny wasps deposit their eggs in or on another organism. The eggs develop into hungry larvae that feed on the host from the inside, eventually consuming and killing it

Deg Rai Mata Oran: Grove of the Gods and a Changing Landscape
Rajasthan’s sacred groves, locally called orans, were once secure wildernesses that also supported livelihoods. Today, with power lines and green energy projects dotting the landscape, they are no longer safe spaces for their rare and diverse wild residents

Angaeus: The Resourceful Crab Spider Mother
Following the life of an eight-legged mama spider as she guards her egg sac until her tiny hatchlings emerge into the world

Stunners of the Feathered Kind in Singalila National Park
Sights and songs of Singalila’s myriad birds are a delightful accompaniment on the trails of this high-altitude national park in West Bengal

Sharing Spaces: The Indian Farmer and the Sarus Crane
The world’s tallest flying bird is comfortable living among fields of rice and other water-loving crops and has a relationship of coexistence with Indian agriculturists

A Common Rarity: The Elusive Jungle Cat
Small, fierce, and stealthy as a shadow, jungle cats are the wild cousins of domestic felines

Indian Skimmer: Fish-Loving River Hunter
Though they are successful fishers, there are less than 3,000 of the orange-billed birds left in the wild; and the banks of the Chambal River are the foremost breeding habitat for the species

Poltys: Ingenious Camouflage of an Orb-weaving Spider
After nightly hunts on their orb-shaped webs, Poltys and Cyphalonotus spiders spend the day masquerading as leaves, twigs or even dried seeds

Secrets of Krem Chympe, Meghalaya’s Mystical River Cave
Exploring the subterranean world of an underground river, surreal limestone formations, and a fragile, fascinating ecosystem in the East Jaintia Hills

In Stages: Metamorphosis in the Insect World
Looking at the lifecycle of insects, it’s clear that each has a unique evolutionary success story, with change the only constant

Indian Grey Wolf: Mystique and Misfortune on the Grasslands
Humans have a complex relationship with this apex predator of many Indian grassland habitats, and it ranges from reverence to fear to loathing

Night Shift: Chasing Endemic Island Owls and Other Adventures
After-dark explorations in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands reveal native owls and a cast of interesting characters

Monsoon Makeover: When Rain Transforms the Laterite Plateaus of Goa
With the arrival of rainshowers, insectivorous plants, psychedelic crabs, and other flora and fauna flourish within this fascinating ecosystem in the Western Ghats

Green-tinted Glasses: The Monsoon Forests of Goa
The Western Ghats of Goa are hotbeds of diversity throughout the year, but their exuberance for life peaks in the monsoon

In Our Filth: When Wild Animals Forage in Polluted Habitats
How do we manage waste? What we leave behind in our wildernesses impacts all living things in many ways. This crowd-sourced photo project busts India’s “pristine wilderness” narrative

Shot of Poison: Kraits of India
No other snake, except the king cobra, evokes as strong a sense of fear as the medically important krait does

Tiny But Tenacious: Micro Life on the Andaman Reef
Capturing coral reefs and their inhabitants with a macro lens reveals their diversity and the complexity of intertwined reef relationships

Flash in the Forest: Mysterious World of the Yellow-throated Marten
Swift, agile, and fierce, these weasel-like creatures will prey on snakes, birds, and even bee-hives

Delightful Ducks: From the Flamboyant to the Austere
Of all the species of wildfowl recorded in India, just a handful are resident birds. The rest are winter migrants, mostly flying in from their breeding grounds in Central Asia and Siberia. Here’s a look at some of these charming birds

For Love of Nectar: The Dazzling Sunbirds of India
Sunbirds are everywhere in India, in dense forests and concrete jungles buzzing with human activity — all we have to do is pay attention

Gutsy Gulls: Trick or Treating on the Water
Seagulls employ various strategies to secure a meal. From intelligent fishing to scavenging and outright theft, their schemes succeed at times and fail comically at other points

Insect Destroyers: Close Encounters with the Zombie Fungus
Some fungi, in order to spread their spores, manipulate the behaviour of the invertebrates they infect

Sloth Bears: Ant Eaters of the Ursine World
Found in nearly every state in India, from the Western Ghats to the Himalayas, these solitary, silky-haired bears spend much of their time with their noses to the ground

Camouflaged Cliffhangers: The Majestic Kashmiri Markhor
Even though their population is small, the largest mountain goat on the planet is a creature of myth, a casualty of war, and a testament to resilience

Jack of all Tastes: The Versatile Golden Jackal
Adaptability is the key to this resilient wild canid. It adjusts quickly to changes, and survives in forests, mangroves and even airports

Common Venomous Reef Creatures of the Shallow Seas
Among the multitude of fish on reefs are a vast array of venomous stingers. Though most use their poison in self-defence and to hunt, they will also strike at perceived threats

Not Just Desert: The Wild, Varied Habitats of Rajasthan
A mosaic of habitats rich in diversity make up India’s largest state. While the Thar is the more familiar part of its landscape, it also has grasslands, wetlands, and hills

The Secret Life of Squids
As exclusive inhabitants of the marine realm, squids have evolved incredible diversity dating back to the Jurassic period. Their unique lifestyles and reproductive strategies make them a success in deep and shallow waters

Written in the Stars: A Night with the Leatherback Turtle
When the sun sets along Great Nicobar’s Galathea coast, the world’s largest turtle emerges from the waters to build a nest on its silver shore

Cleaning Symbiosis: Underwater Hygiene with the Ocean’s Favourite Cleaning Experts
Cleaner wrasses and cleaner shrimps feed on parasites for a living. This, in turn, helps animals that want parasites removed from their bodies, and results in a healthier ecosystem

Secrets of Survival: Struggle and Strife Between the Tides
When the tide recedes along the coast of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, an array of marine creatures step out of their hideouts for some time in the sun

Meghalaya’s Caves: The Secret World Beneath The Surface
Under the azure rivers and green valleys of Meghalaya is a spectacular subterranean world of limestone and sandstone caves

Saving Cranes: Why We Need to Protect These Tall Wading Birds
From five species of cranes, we’re down to four. The survival of these charismatic species requires community involvement and wetland protection

Sharavathi: Lament of a River
Tropical evergreen forests and Myristica swamps once cloaked this river’s landscape on its westward journey to the sea. The river’s rhythm, once decided by tides, is now interrupted by dams and a port built to serve people elsewhere

Waltz on Water: Courtship of the Great Crested Grebe
Mainly winter migrants to India, these diving waterbirds have a mating ritual that involves dancing while holding weeds. Here is a rare glimpse into their lives and synchronised moves

The Last Frontier: Hills, Herons, and the Habitat of Namdapha National Park
In remotest Arunachal Pradesh, a proposed new road portends change that can transform the tropical jungles and riverine habitats invaluable to the species that live there

Demoiselle Cranes and the Great Kheechan Mela
Every year, thousands of demoiselle cranes make their way from breeding grounds in Central Asia to the little town of Kheechan, on the fringes of the Thar Desert. And they are welcomed and well looked after

Winged Wonders of Uttarakhand
Five species of critically endangered birds and more than 50 per cent of the country’s bird species inhabit the dynamic habitat of this hilly state

The Tree-Dwellers of Namdapha National Park
The diverse inhabitants of the tropical forests of Arunachal Pradesh

Fishing Spiders: Riders of the Swamp
A rare peek into the world of this semi-aquatic nursery web spider in a secluded seasonal swamp in Cooch Behar where it catches fish and hunts for other invertebrates in the dead of night

Lakshadweep Islands: Radiant Speckles in the Sea
Limited in land area, but loaded with vibrant reefs and clear blue lagoons, these atolls are home to abundant marine life and about 65,000 people

River Recluse: The White-bellied Heron of Namdapha National Park
A small population of these critically endangered birds live a quiet, secluded life in the wilderness of Arunachal Pradesh

Fragile and Fantastic: The Bird Paradise of Dibru-Saikhowa
Dibru-Saikhowa National Park is home to some of the rarest and most threatened birds, but the unique landscape needs immediate attention

Mate and Die: Mysteries of Octopus Sex
Not only do these cephalopods breed only once in their lifetime, they die soon after. With an optic gland activating the breeding mode in females, and the male placing a rock between the pair while mating, this sea creature displays some unusual behaviours while procreating

Baloo Noir: The Asiatic Black Bear Goes to Town
These shaggy bears inhabit the high mountains of the Himalayas and spend their days foraging, sleeping, and tending to young

The Giving Tree: A Mighty Oak Ecosystem
How a gnarly, shabby, knotty old oak provides food and protection to a huge host of creatures

Language of Giants: The Intriguing World of Elephant Communication
Asian elephants use a range of sensory signals to bond with each other, mate, even express grief and empathy

Mettle of the Mugger: How the Marsh Crocodile Balances Stealth, Strategy and Surprise
Hunting is not all brawn. It is a fine balance of patience, intelligence and strategy

Hop, Skip and Jump: The Giant Squirrels of India
Usually perched on the upper branches of tall trees, these squirrels are the quintessential charmers of the forest canopy

Dominance Effect: The Dynamic Social Lives of Male Elephants
Elephants display dominance behaviour to establish and maintain rank. This hierarchy is understood by all and reduces potential conflict between them

Galloping Through Khur Country: The Asiatic Wild Asses of Gujarat
Though their numbers have improved significantly, conservationists are still concerned for the survival of India’s khurs

Raptors and the Fine Art of Fishing
Pallas’s fish-eagle, osprey, and peregrine falcon are just some of the numerous species of raptors found in India that have adapted, in varying degrees, to live and hunt by waterbodies

Gaping Gharials: River Reptile with the Super Snout
Though critically endangered, there is hope for this gentle, slender-jawed, fish-loving cousin of the crocodile

Living Waters: The Resistance and Resilience of the Cauvery
For a large part of its course, the Cauvery River is exploited and abused. However, a few pockets of wilderness, including a 110-km stretch that runs through the protected Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary, provide a sliver of hope

Pink City: When Flamingos take over the Little Rann of Kutch
Every monsoon, vast colonies of greater and lesser flamingos descend upon the seasonal wetlands of Gujarat

Big Little Lives: The Great Diversity of the Little Rann of Kutch
From spiny-tailed lizards to striped hyenas, this marshland supports all manner of life

Jewels in the Air: Kingfishers of India
Found in diverse habitats from backyards to deep in the Sundarbans, here are cameos of the twelve species of kingfishers found in India

Sea Turtles: Ancient Mariners of the Indian Ocean
These magnificent air-breathing reptiles have lived on earth for millions of years. Four of the seven known species of sea turtles nest in significant numbers on the Indian coastline and its outlying islands

A River that Carves a World: Brahmaputra’s Journey through Assam
As the river Brahmaputra flows through Assam, it forms an indispensable relationship with all that it touches and sustains

Ranthambore: Majestic Forts, a Deciduous Forest and the Reign of the Tiger
Ranthambore is a rare place — there is history at every bend. Tigers lounge in ancient forts, hunt around heritage lakes and have their meal under centuries-old domes

All in a Day’s Work: A Ringside View of Kumbhalgarh’s Wildlife
Bhera Ram Bishnoi shares a forest guard’s-eye view of the rich and varied wildlife of Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary, a unique refuge in Rajasthan’s Aravalli Hills

Hiding in Plain Sight: Mumbai’s Tide Pools and the City Beyond the Shore
This urban seashore throws up a world of surreal organisms and is sure to change the way you look at India’s commercial capital

Ground Control: Tigers Defend Their Territory
Tigers need a great deal of personal space and will go to great lengths to preserve it

Cracking the Schooling Fish Code: The Andaman story
Fishes swimming in schools strategise, make decisions and use navigation and communication systems

Crawl, Burrow, Swim: Little Champions of the Sundarbans Ecosystem
The largest mangrove delta in the world may be more famous for its apex predators but its small creatures are also important for the ecosystem

Crossing Paths with the Pallas’s Cat in the Trans-Himalaya
A dream, a pursuit, and finally, an encounter with the fabulous, fuzzy ribilik on a rocky outcrop near Hanle in Ladakh

Going with the Flow: Tale of the Golden Mahseer
These large, energetic fish live in deep stretches of rivers and mountain pools in the Himalayas, but twice a year they swim upstream to breed at higher altitudes

Coexistence with Critters: Lessons in Harmony from Bhutan’s Countryside
In parts of rural Bhutan wild animals like gorals, and birds like the Himalayan monal, satyr tragopan and black-necked crane share close living spaces with villagers

Coral Reefs: True Treasures of the Andaman Islands
This emerald archipelago is an underwater paradise teeming with marine life, from schools of fish to magnificent coralline formations

Hiss and Tell: The Dank, Slippery World of Water Snakes in India
Found in a variety of waterbodies, from streams and swamps to water-logged agricultural fields and the intertidal zone, aquatic snakes have a great affinity for water

Western Tragopan: Quest for the Colourful Pheasant
Snippets of a year-long journey to film one of the most attractive and vulnerable pheasants in the world, in the Great Himalayan National Park

Mum’s the Word with the Desert Fox in the Little Rann
Elusive white-footed vixens rear their pups in hidden burrows of the Little Rann of Kutch

Wet and Wild: Herping in Meghalaya
With a forest cover of over seventy per cent, Meghalaya supports a rich diversity of reptiles and amphibians

Risk, Ritual, and Survival: The Honey Gatherers of the Sundarbans
Moulis, the local honey gatherers, wade through marsh and murky water to gather honey from the mangrove forests of the Sundarbans, but not before they have sought the blessings of the jungle deity

Narcondam Hornbills: Birds in Exile
There are just about 1,000 Narcondam hornbills on the planet — and they all live on a tiny island, less than seven square kilometres in size

Keep Calm and Carrion: The Great Vulture Gathering in Jorbeed, Rajasthan
On the outskirts of Bikaner, an animal carcass dumping ground is now a “paradise of raptors”, particularly vultures, the stewards of meat waste

Narcondam: Wild Island in the Indian Ocean
Isolated from the world by miles of water, the remote volcanic island of Narcondam in the Andaman archipelago may be tiny, but it is a sanctuary for many noteworthy species

Swoop, Soar, Screech: Owls on the Prowl Across India
Owls inhabit nearly every kind of landscape in India. Learn to identify some of the 30 different species found in the country

Why We Need to Save Amboli from Ourselves
For years, Amboli was one of Western Ghats’ best keep secrets. But as tourism grows, there’s a need to be more mindful — of how we travel, and how that impacts all those who thrive in this sensitive habitat

Eye on the Tiger: Memories of Photographing the Wild Cat
Eight wildlife photographers talk about their most memorable tiger photographs from India’s forests

Fishing Cat: Elusive Hunter of the Wetland Forest
This stealthy wild cat is not easy to spot even though it inhabits a variety of wetland ecosystems around India

Mangrove Coast: The Emerald Forests of Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary
The Godavari estuary is a rare and wonderful ecosystem that hosts a staggering wealth of biodiversity

A Secret Forest: The Hidden Lives of Agumbe
Look beyond the king cobra — under the rocks, in the gaps of roots, trees crevices, in gurgling streams and puddles — to discover a hidden world of astounding small creatures

Dune Watching in the Thar: Skinks, Scorpions, and Other Small Wonders of the Desert Ecosystem
The diversity of a desert landscape might not be apparent, but it is ever present, and a joy to observe

Great Indian Bustard: Love in the Time of Habitat Loss
They may be critically endangered, but courtship rituals during breeding season are as flamboyant as ever

Shared Spaces: The Leopards of Jawai in Rajasthan
The absence of human-animal conflict in a small area of the Aravalli Hills makes us re-examine our knowledge of leopard behaviour and their interactions with humans

Hunters of the Thar: Raptors in Desert National Park
Beyond Jaisalmer in Rajasthan, only the most resilient raptors survive the surreal desert landscape

Running Free: Tibetan Wild Ass of the Trans-Himalaya
Grazing and galloping their way through the alpine grasslands and vast plateaus of Ladakh, Tibetan wild asses or kiangs are sturdy, graceful creatures that herd together to defend themselves

The Bear and I: A Quest to Photograph the Himalayan Brown Bear
Patience, perseverance, and expanding knowledge, from 15 years of tracking the Himalayan Brown Bear through the Wilds of Ladakh and Himachal

Red Fox in the Snow: Competition and Survival in the Himalayas
The Spiti Valley is a test of endurance for the most widely spread carnivore species on the planet

Flight of the Amur Falcons: Migration, Conservation, and Great Resilience
Every year, hundreds of thousands of Amur falcons congregate at the Doyang Reservoir in Nagaland, on their epic annual migration from East Siberia to southern Africa.

Icy Realm: The Cool Inhabitants of Greenland
In the freezing waters of the Arctic, photographer Dhritiman Mukherjee finds fascinating creatures, great and small

Burrow Down, Sleep Tight: The Fascinating Life of the Himalayan Marmot
Himalayan marmots hibernate for six to eight months a year, but what do they do when they’re awake?

The Big Melt: Snow Leopards and Climate Change
What will our rapidly warming world mean for the elusive Panthera uncia?

Dance of the Black-necked Cranes in Ladakh
Every year, flocks of black-necked cranes descend upon the Changthang Plateau to breed, nest, and look after their young

The Skin of Many Colours: Morphs of the Malabar Pit Viper
Why it’s not easy to identify this snake species and the mystery of its diverse and changing colours

Behind the Lens: Shooting the Residents of a Rainforest
These stewards of wildlife talk about ethical photography and its importance in research and the conservation of India’s natural heritage

Gossamer Wings: Damselflies and Dragonflies of the Western Ghats
Odonates are older than the mountains, and among the first creatures on Earth to fly. Their presence indicates a healthy and harmonious ecosystem

Wardens of Venom: The Exquisite Vipers of South India
Tipping the scales in favour of some of India’s most misunderstood reptiles

Home Alone: Nesting Curiosities of the Great Hornbill
For three months every year, female great hornbills stay sealed in a hole, with only a crack to receive food from their mate

Big Five: The Stars and Stripes of Kaziranga National Park
These are the celebrities everyone wants to see when they visit Kaziranga — tiger, rhino, elephant, swamp deer, and wild water buffalo

Graze Anatomy: The Elegant Swamp Deer and its Grassland Home
From roaming the length and breadth of the Gangetic plains of India just a few decades ago, the three subspecies of barasingha now live only in a few pockets

Man and Wild: The Complicated Coexistence of Humans and Hoolock Gibbons in Assam
Once upon a time, in the Tinsukhia region of Assam, an ape named Kaliya became a regular visitor to the village of Ketetong

Lonely Hearts Club: The Hoolock Gibbon Story
How the handsome primate got stuck on the wrong side of the tracks

The Dramatic Tale of the Greater Adjutant
This huge bird has a connection to Kolkata that dates back to the 188Os and persists to this day

Head in the Clouds: The Misty Rainforests of Choco, Ecuador
Meet the magnificent birds of this biodiversity hotspot in South America

Ancient Wisdom: Lessons from the Amazon Forest in Ecuador
There is much to be learned about life and sustainability from the largest rainforest in the world

How the Bengal Florican Charms Its Mate
The Bengal florican is a romantic at heart. Its courtship ritual is part pageant and part dance-off

Beneath the Ice: Diving into the Arctic Waters of Svalbard
A rare glimpse of the marine life that inhabit this remote world underwater

Ladies Special: The Matrilineal World of Stump-Tailed Macaques
Things are remarkably different in this primate troop without an alpha male heading it

When the Big Flood Came to Kaziranga
In 2017, a particularly devastating flood inundated Kaziranga National Park, testing the survival skills of its many animals, and causing much death and destruction. This is a rare, close encounter with that flooding event

A Year in the Life of Kaziranga’s Rhinos
From tolerating human gawkers to migrating to higher ground, Kaziranga’s rhinos endure and adapt to the changing seasons. With a little help from their friends

Hidden Chambers: The Yucatan’s Stunning Cenotes
It’s an awe-inspiring landscape of secret limestone passages, caves, and caverns—enter the spellbinding underwater world of Mexico’s cenotes

Arctic Summer: Where the Sun Never Sets and the Ice Doesn’t Thaw
The life and landscapes of the remote archipelago of Svalbard.

Wading with Whale Sharks: The World’s Largest Fish
Visitors can snorkel and dive with migrating whale sharks, near Isla Mujeres off Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.

For the Love of Nectar: What Makes Hummingbirds Tick
Ecuador has the largest diversity of hummingbirds on the planet

Pride of the Western Ghats: The Elusive Lion-tailed Macaque
The life and times of one of India’s most endangered primates

On the Hunt for the Semi-aquatic Anacondas of Brazil
Scouring the slow-moving waters of the Brazilian Pantanal to observe the super-sized green anaconda.

The Best of Mexico is in the Yucatan
Extensive Mayan ruins and unique wildlife are a few of the treasures found in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula

In Praise of the Pantanal
In the pristine tropical wetland of Brazil’s Pantanal, South America’s highest concentration of wildlife and biodiversity flourishes

Road Trip Through Iceland
Travelling the Ring Road around Iceland is the best way to experience the geographical beauty and unique landscape of this small Arctic country.

South American Jaguars: Caiman Hunters of the Pantanal
A large population of South American jaguars is uniquely adapted to this region of Brazil, hunting in the day for their favourite prey caimans and capybaras

Tiny Tentacles in the Mighty Kaveri
Hovering like surreal little spaceships, diaphanous freshwater jellyfish are the secretive, benign inhabitants of the sacred river of southern India

The Crabeater Seal’s Guide to Surviving Antarctica
In the freezing waters of the Antarctic peninsula, the stakes are always high

What Lies Beneath: Inside the Freezing Waters of Antarctica
Diving around the Antarctic Peninsula to capture the creatures that call this extreme habitat home

Giants of the Caribbean: Face-to-face with American Crocodiles
The shallow lagoons and mangrove forests of the Banco Chinchorro atoll reef, off the coast of Mexico, host one of the most genetically pure populations of the reptiles

Shy and Mighty: Gorillas of the Congo
Bushwhacking through the tropical forests of Central Africa to meet our close primate relatives—the mountain gorilla and eastern lowland gorilla

Swift as the Wind: The Guanacos of Patagonia
Ultimate survivors that can live in the arid high-altitude desert just as well as in the wet and snowy trans-Andes

Ice Age: The Otherworldly Landscapes and Locals of Antarctica
Brutal and fragile in equal measure, Antarctica has fascinated the world for millennia. But is it a glimpse of our past, or a premonition of things to come?

The Orca Story: Killer Whale or Misunderstood Dolphin?
Photographer Dhritiman Mukherjee swims with orcas, to better understand the stunning predators

Breaking the Ice: Photographing Siberia’s Elusive Nerpa Seals
They live in Baikal Lake, the largest, oldest and deepest freshwater lake in the world

Fiery Red Glow at Nyiragongo Volcano
You need to trek to the top of a mountain in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Virunga Mountains, before this latticed pie of smouldering lava comes into view

Seaside Spectacle in the Valdes Peninsula
This harsh region of Argentinian Patagonia offers some of the best viewing of marine mammals anywhere in the world

Coral Gardens: Artworks Under Indian Seas
Reefs with their multihued coral and vibrant fish can be as dazzling and magical
as a throbbing rainforest

Pumas and Massifs of the Torres del Paine
The combination of jaw-dropping landscapes and wildlife makes this national park in Chilean Patagonia one of Earth’s most phenomenal places to visit

Wild Eye: Shaaz Jung on Photographing Kabini
The big-cat tracker and wildlife photographer shares pictures of the forest that
shaped him